Page 4 - Bernardon+Starbucks Statement of Qualifications
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Firm Profile
Established in 1973, Bernardon is a With 21 locations throughout the U.S. and
division of Core States Group, and ranked Canada and 500+ team members, we have
as one of the top 100 design firms in the capacity, systems, and network to facilitate
the Mid-Atlantic region and among the projects of all sizes. Our depth of expertise and
top 300 architecture firms in the U.S. array of integrated service offerings include:
We begin our relationship with you by listening ■ Architecture
to your specific needs, and we develop a ■ Interior Design
customized professional services plan that ■ Experiential Design + Branding
will foster a collaborative and innovative
response from our unique team of practice- ■ FF&E Procurement
area experts. Because we build collaborative, ■ Landscape Architecture
lasting relationships, we continue to expand the ■ Land Development
integration of services to reflect the growing ■ MEP Engineering
needs of our clients and industry partners. ■ Structural Engineering
■ Program Management
■ Construction Programs
■ Energy Services
■ Signage
■ Building Surveying