Page 5 - Bernardon+Starbucks Statement of Qualifications
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The people of Bernardon are impassioned Our design team believes that a thoughtful
listeners, lifelong innovators, and imaginative and collaborative approach is what creates
design leaders. We provide informed design exceptional service and outstanding design.
solutions that respond to our clients’ design
goals, and we elevate the lives, productivity, We are very proud of our portfolio of
and comfort of the end-users through successfully completed projects and our design
a process of listening, understanding, team whose experience, combined with our
researching, synthesizing, and implementation. creative and imaginative process, assists
clients in achieving their unique expression
Our people and our process are responsible of function, aesthetics, and financial success.
for delivering 50 years of thoughtful
designs for the markets we serve. In the pages that follow, we share a glimpse
into our design experience that contributes
■ Community to the projects within our Retail portfolio.
■ Dwell
■ Educate
■ Health
■ Work