P. 26


          It is about Madhavaram Milk colony, in Madhavaram, a suburb of Chennai,
          where the residents contributed to the cleanliness in small ways, which makes
          big, is briefed here.

          Cleanliness of the area:
          Milk Colony is a small residential area consisting predominantly of residential
          apartments & individual houses with a population of few thousands. The area is

          marked by numerous trees, which were planted by State Government of
          TamilNAdu to prevent air pollution from the neighboring industries. The
          residents of the area formed residential associations and maintain the area
          neat and clean. The residents had a good sense of civic and cleanliness.
          Solid waste management & cleanliness

          Disposal of domestic waste is one of the most important areas of concern for
          developing countries. No litter is thrown on the streets nor burnt in the open.
          The residents of the locality segregate their household wastes into
          biodegradable and non-biodegradable wastes and dump in various dust bins
          kept in the area. The dustbins are regularly emptied by the municipal
          authorities and disposed of at various dumping yards. Thus the area is kept
          neat and clean.

          Although there were many open drains in the area, the corporation authorities
          used to de-silt and spray insecticides to prevent breeding of mosquitoes and
          flies. The residents also maintain the drains by way of de-silting and ensure that
          the drains are not blocked by plastics. They also ensure that there is no

          stagnation of rainwater water on the streets, lanes, buildings, etc., thus
          preventing the breeding of mosquito and flies. Residents also planted various
          shrubs or plants along the drains, which prevented water stagnation and also
          increased the aesthetics of the area. The residential associations also used to
          distribute pamphlets highlighting cleanliness and hygiene. No open defecation
          is seen in this area as there are public toilets constructed by the Government
          are available.
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