P. 27


        Wealth out of waste & Natural resources conservation

        The domestic / household wastes generally consists of materials like plastics, glass
        bottles, paper, wood, food waste, metal tins, packing material, milk packets, etc.
        All these solid wastes generated have commercial value and can be recycled or re-
        used. The wastes collected from different households can be collected by the
        authorities and brought to a centralized location, where they can be segregated
        into various components like paper, glass, plastics, wood, packing material, etc.
        These components can be used as a raw material for various industries or
        recycled, thus saving our precious natural resources and sustainability.

        Cleanliness increases the aesthetics of the area. Hygiene increases quality of life.
        These together increases health, wealth and happiness in the society.

        The simple and cost effective measures like household waste management,
        sanitation, cleanliness of the surroundings, hygienic, prevention of pollution,
        should be observed and maintained through out India. Effective solid waste
        management with the generation of “wealth out of waste” should be our motto.

        Mahatma Gandhi dreamt of an India which was not only free but also clean and
        developed. As citizens of free India we should fulfill the dream of the Father of
        our Nation, by committing towards cleanliness and make our Mother India, the
        most beautiful country in the world.

                                                                      V. UMA JAHNAVI
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