P. 11



                                                                 Number of events and


      Now  that  Elvis  has  left  the  building,
      here is a trip down the memory lane.
      This  year's  Diseño  events  were  a  far
      cry  from  tiring.  In  fact,  this  year
      witnessed  a  number  of  events  that
      inculcated  fun  with  proficiency.  They
      were the host for over 2126 number of
      people  with  a  crowd  of  over  39
      outsiders. From overnight thon events
      to  F3-  Frame  Forge  Formulate,  they
      surely  have  hit  the  nail  on  the  head
      with  their  choice  of  events.  With  a
      legion   of   enthusiastic    students
      placing their bids on them, Diseño had
      been   on    the   receiving   end   of
      overwhelmingly  positive  responses.
      The   participants   were    served   a
      copious  amount  of  events  to  choose
      from, that appeased even those with a
      discerning  palate!  The  events  and
      workshops  greeted  its  participants
      with  industrial  experts  by  their  side.
      At  the  end  of  the  three  day  gala,
      Diseño shone bright in a sea of stars!

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