P. 7



                                                                 Number of events and


         The     School     of    Electrical
         Engineering  and  the  School  of
         Electronics  Engineering  teamed
         up  and  brought  the  best  of  both
         worlds  to  organize  the  annual
         fest of VIT Chennai—technoVIT'19
         under  the  collective  label  of
         ConnectiVITieee.     This     year
         ConnectiVITieee     brought     an
         assortment  of  workshops  and
         events  under  its  sleeve  and
         fulfilled   the   students    both
         academically  and  mentally.  The
         main  highlights  were  the  hybrid
         car    design,     hand-gestured
         control  robot,  and  make-a-thon
         events. The students were utterly
         buoyant  and  contented  from  all
         the categories as the workshops
         and  events  were  a  perfect
         mixture    of   knowledge     and
         recreation.    The    well-known
         industry  experts  like  Dr.  Naveen
         Kumar  Marati  (Senior  Hardware
         Engineer,  Valeo  India,  Chennai)
         and Dr. K. Lakshmi Devi (Scientist,
         SETS)  were  present  to  assist  the
         students  and  help  them  soar  to
         the greatest of heights.

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