Page 4 - THC Profile
P. 4
2 Message from the President
Allow me first to thank you for your interest in Tourism & Egypt
in general and in the THC particularly.
Belonging to the country of the only surviving world wonder, and having been committed all
my life to quality and international exchanges, I felt its of my duty, part of my social
responsibility philosophy, to initiate such a center aiming to take the quality level of tourism
in Egypt, particularly, and our cultural/historical rich and attractive region in general, to the
level it deserves.
This dream couldn’t have seen light without greatest devotion and perseverance of the THC
team, believing in their country and region highest touristic assets, putting this achievement
as their life dream and priority, we as board are so grateful to their tremendous efforts.
We aspire to become THE PIONEER of quality and capacity building in the tourism and
hospitality center in Egypt and the MEA region by 2022, by consolidating our infrastructure
in terms of operation, resources and accreditation to highest international norms,
partnering with international renown references, and allying with highest appropriate
authorities and regional colleagues entities.
Always believing in our Arabic proverb ‘Union makes strength’, I look forwards for our union
and collaboration on the suitable level of your scope, interest and target.
Mohamad Embaby 5
Founder and President of Tourism &Hospitality Center