Page 4 - telos Leadership Ventures
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“The time to be alone with your thoughts is such a luxury and the wisdom gained is priceless.”
the ultimate expedition:
custom leadership ventures.
telos invites you and your organization to partner with our venture development specialists to mindfully select a venue, deliberately choose content, and thoughtfully determine modes of facilitation, all leading to a unique and innovative experience that drives the outcomes your organization seeks.
Whether summoning a global virtual team, assembling a sales leadership group, bringing together a team of product development experts, or convening a similar high impact cohort, a custom telos leadership venture creates a shared, singular experience that leaves participants excited and recharged about having aligned their collective passion, purpose, and potential with forward progress.
If you have a venture destination and/or a speci c group in mind, we invite you to contact telos to discuss how we can design a customized leadership venture around your vision. For more information:
“The opportunity to see a spectacular place with professional guides gives you the opportunity to focus on yourself in a way that can’t be done in our normal setting. Stepping away from normal takes us outside
our comfort zone allowing personal growth to occur.”
“I have a picture I took of the group,
all heading in the same direction with
a cairn in the distance. I use that daily now, referring to our departmental daily/ weekly/monthly targets, to drive home that I want my team always wanting to know where the next cairn is.”
“I found my strength on the trail to come back and make the tough decisions and have the di cult conversations I’ve been avoiding for a long time. I would still be mired in those circumstances if not for my leadership venture experience, it has truly been transformational for me.”
“More people need to understand that they’re way more capable than they realize. This experience allows people to dig into their reserves, and that’s an empowering feeling.”

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