Page 103 - free conversation
P. 103

  Closings

                  More formal    Closings                          Responses
                                 Until the next time               Good bye
                                 Good night, Bill                  Good night, Nisa
                                 Good-bye Brian                    Good-bye, W
                                 Have a nice (weekend)             You, too
                                 Talk to you later                 Bye. Take it easy
                                 See you later                     So long. Take care
                 Less formal

               Getting Someone’s Attention and Interrupting

                     Getting someone’s attention

                 More formal    Getting someone’s attention       Responses
                                Pardon me, Dr. Mahmud             Yes. What can I do for you?
                                Excuse me, Bill
                                Oh, Miss?                         Yes? (Can I help you?)
                                (cough)                           Yes?
                Less formal     (clear throat)                    Yes?
                                Hey, Beth.                        Yeah?

                     Interrupting a conversation

               More formal       Interrupting a conversation       Responses
                                 Pardon me, but…                   Thank you for coming
                                 Pardon the interruption, but…
                                 I’m sorry to interrupt you,
                                 I don’t want to interrupt you,    It’s alright. What can I do for
                                 but….                             you?
                                 I hate to interrupt, but…
                                 I’m sorry, but…                   It’s OK.
                                 Excuse me, but…
                                 Oh, were you in the middle of     No. it’s alright
                                 Am I interrupting?
                 Less formal

                                                                                         Free Conversation
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