Page 98 - free conversation
P. 98
burglary (NOUN) illegal entry of a building with intent to commit a crime, especially theft.
cautious (ADJECTIVE) (of a person) careful to avoid potential problem or danger
clashes (NOUN) a violent confrontation; an incompatibility leading to disagreement
crackdown (NOUN) a series of severe measure to restrict undesirable or illegal people or
hostage (NOUN) a person seized or held as security for the fulfillment of a condition
insecurity (NOUN) uncertainty or anxiety about oneself; lack of confidence; the state of being
open to danger or threat; lack of protection
mug (VERB) attack and rob someone in a public places
revenge (NOUN) the action of hurting or harming someone in return for an injury or wrong
suffered at their hands
smuggled (VERB) move (goods) illegally into or out of a country.
torrent (NOUN) overwhelming outpouring of (something, typically words)
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