Page 66 - free conversation
P. 66


                    Someone is leaving your English class next week and moving to another town. The other
                    students  in  the class  are  going  to  give  this  person a  present.    Work  in  pairs.  Assume
                    everyone  in  the  class  has  contributed  a  small  amount  of  money.  Follow  these  three
                    1  Decide what present to buy. (Write the names of two possible gifts on two separate
                        slips of paper and give them to your teacher.)
                    2  When your teacher has collected all the slips and put them in a box, choose one slip
                        of paper each. Imagine that you are the student who is leaving, and see what gift the
                        class has given you.
                    3  Now, prepare a short speech to say thank you to the class for the present. Imagine it
                        is your last day in class.

                    With your partner, talk about the things you could say in your speech. You know what
                    gift you have received, so think about these questions:
                    — Were you surprised to receive it?
                    — How will you use the gift?
                    — Where will you put it?
                    — Is it an especially suitable gift for your situation?
                    — Is it a present that you will remember? Why?

                    Prepare your speech, either in class or at home.
                    Sit  in  small  groups.  In  turn,  practice  your  speeches  together.  Give  each  other  helpful
                    comments. One or two of you might like to make your speech to the class.

                Free Conversation
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