Page 76 - free conversation
P. 76


               blasphemy (NOUN)  something that you say or do that shows  you do not respect  god  or
                     a religion.
               chain stores(NOUN)   well-known brands with shops in multiple cities.
               city hall (NOUN)  a building used as offices by people working for a city government.
               high-rise flats(NOUN)  multi-story apartments.
               ice  age (NOUN)    a time  in the past when the  temperature  was very  cold  and glaciers
                     (=large masses of ice)covered large parts of the earth.
               office block (NOUN)  a large building that contains offices
               port (NOUN)  a town by the sea or by a river that has a harbour, or the harbour itself.
               protester (NOUN)  someone who shows  that they disagree  with something by standing
                     somewhere, shouting, carrying signs, etc.
               pub (NOUN)  a place, especially  in great Britain  or Ireland, where alcoholic  drinks  can be
                     bought and drunk and where food is often available.
               rally (NOUN)  a public meeting of a large group of people, especially supporters of certain
               skyscraper (NOUN)  a very tall modern building, usually in a city.
               smart city (NOUN)  the effective integration of physical, digital and human systems in the
                     built  environment  to  deliver  sustainable,  prosperous  and  inclusive  future  for  its
               stadium (NOUN)  a large closed area of land with rows of seats around the sides and often
                     with no roof, used for sports events and musical performances.
               suburb (NOUN)  the outer area of large towns and cities where people live.
               tribe (NOUN)  a group  of people, often of related  families, who live  together, sharing  the
                     same language, culture, and history, especially those who do not live in towns or cities.

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