Page 82 - free conversation
P. 82

6.   I really like to have a ___________ neighbor who is friendly and likes to spend
                           time with other people.
                      7.   Tika is a _____________ person. She tends to keep her feelings or thoughts
                           rather than showing them.

                       Telling ideal neighbors

                       Study the following expressions of telling ideal neighbors.

                             I will be grateful to have a low-profile neighbor.
                             A considerate person will make a good neighbor.
                             It is important to have a warmhearted neighbor.

                   4. ACTIVITY 3: CHOOSE YOUR OWN IDEAL

                       You own your own flat and also the other flats in the same building, so you have some
                       choice about who your neighbors are. This week there are two vacant flats, and you
                       have six people or groups of people interested. So you have a choice, but in reality
                       you need to decide quickly. One flat is the flat next to your baby’s room and the other
                       is the flat above you. You must decide who to let to, and make your decision today.
                       Here are the choices. You have to work with your partner and choose two, and agree.
                       Discuss them all first. Present the result of your discussion in front of the class.

                 Tom and Paula Stereoblast                    Sarah Harddrive

                 Tom  and  Paula  are  decent  people,  and  they  Sarah is a very shy person, almost introvert. She
                 have been recommended by your father. For this  doesn’t seem to have many friends, although she
                 reason,  you  know  you  can  trust  them  not  to  does  have  two good  references from  previous
                 make  serious  problems  for  you.  They  are  landlords. There is no suggestion that she will be
                 respectful and kind. The only problem is, they  a bad neighbor, she doesn’t seem the type who
                 want to leave their jobs and become famous as  would  make  a  lot  of  noise,  but  there  is
                 singers. For this reason, they spend a lot of time  something strange about her and you have your
                 writing  and  performing  music,  and  you  are  doubts. But she has a good job and you are sure
                 worried this will make life uncomfortable.    she will pay the rent.

               Free Conversation
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