Page 83 - free conversation
P. 83

Jim Scrum’alf                                Harry, Harriet and Harold Happy

                 Jim is a nice man with a very good job, quiet and  This family is new to the area, so nobody knows
                 responsible,  but  maybe  not  to  himself.  The  them. So although it’s a risk, you were impressed
                 problem is he is a rugby player, nothing wrong  when you met them, and you were pleased to
                 with that, but some rugby players like their beer,  see  they  have  a  young  son  the  same  age  as
                 and their behavior can be very bad. You know  yours.  They  have  the  same  interests  and
                 from past experience that these guys can’t look  personality as your family. But their car was old
                 after themselves, they are messy and dirty. You  and in very poor condition. Does this mean they
                 don’t want to tar them all with the same brush,  are a risk to your property?
                 but do you want to take a chance?

                 Bill Rates                                   Kevin and Bratney

                 Bill is a very nice man, but he’s currently out of  This couple are very sweet, they have jobs on TV
                 work and of course this is a risk for you because  and they seem devoted to their sons, who are a
                 you need to be sure of your own income. You  happy  and  playful  pair  of  children.  But  there
                 are  100%  sure  he  is  a  responsible  man,  and  were some signs that the couple do not live a
                 there is plenty of evidence that he is searching  harmonious life, because they could not agree
                 for work, but until he finds it, can you take a  about anything during their ‘interview’ with you
                 chance?                                      for the flat.

                   5. ACTIVITY 4: BAD NEIGHBORS

                       Study the following examples on bad neighbours. After that, make five
                       more sentences describing the characteritics of a bad neighbours.

                          1.  A bad neighbour is someone who plays very loud music.

                          2.  A bad neighbour is someone who never talks to us.
                          3.  A bad neighbour is someone who has a dangerous dog.

                          4.  A bad neighbour is someone who is very talkative.

                       Your sentences
                       1.  _________________________________________________________________

                       2.  _________________________________________________________________
                       3.  _________________________________________________________________

                       4.  _________________________________________________________________
                       5.  _________________________________________________________________

                                                                                         Free Conversation
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