Page 2 - Research Foundation Spring 2018 Newsletter
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OSP Pre-Award Managers Organize

             Did You Know?                   for Smooth Service to Campus

                                             To better serve the SJSU research   compliance review and quality assur-
                                             community, the Office of Sponsored   ance for each proposal submission.
             The Research Foundation         Programs (OSP) Pre-Award manag-
             contributed one million         ers have reconfigured their college   While managers are still assigned
                                                                                 specific colleges as their primary
             dollars in indirect revenue     assignments. Pre-Award duties are   areas of coverage, they have also
             and strategic investments       now distributed among six managers   received cross training to expand
                                             including the two senior managers,
             back to the campus during       Angela Au and Michele Vaccaro, who   and increase their capabilities to
                                                                                 serve other colleges when needed.
             Fiscal Year 2016-17.            co-lead the Pre-Award manager team.  This ensures that all principal investi-
                                             Angela and Michele provide inten-
                                                                                 gator (PI) needs are met on time and
                          •                  sive training and guidance to the   in a consistent manner. Our current
                                             Pre-Award managers, which includes
                                                                                 college assignments are listed below:
                                                        College of Business, College of Humanities and the Arts
             On behalf of faculty, the                          Angela Au: 4-7394,
             Research Foundation
             submitted 295 proposals                       Department of Meteorology and Climate Science,
                                                                Department of Environmental Studies
             to potential funders during                   Michele Vaccaro: 4-1430,
             Fiscal Year 2016-17.                   College of Health and Human Sciences, College of Social Science,
                          •                                    Ellen Orasa: 4-1427,
                                                                       University Programs

                                                        Moss Landing Marine Laboratories, College of Education
             433 SJSU students are                         Mary Margaret Perez: 4-1440,
             currently employed by the                                College of Engineering
             Research Foundation either                       Carmina Som: 4-1429,
             as Central Office staff or as
                                                                        College of Science
             research project employees.           (except Meteorology & Climate Science, Moss Landing Marine Laboratories)
                          •                             William “Bill” Yabumoto: 4-1307,

                                                                     OSP & Risk Management
                                                           Joaquin Ramirez: 4-1546,
             176 SJSU faculty members
             are currently working
             on sponsored grants
             or research projects
             managed by the Research

             The SJSU Research
             Foundation currently
             administers 311 active
             contract and grant

                                             Front Row: Carmina Som, Angela Au, Christine Hu (Pre-Post Analyst), Brenda Swann (Sr. Mgr.,
                                             Info Services), Gurpreet Mundra (Student Assistant); Back Row: Ellen Orasa, Mary Margaret
                                             Perez, Richard Chavez (Proposal Processing), Ryan Grech (Pre-Post Analyst), Michele Vaccaro.
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