Page 4 - Research Foundation Spring 2018 Newsletter
P. 4

Research Foundation’s New Faces
             Are You at Risk?

             Risk management and             Meet Kristin Gifford, Director of Finance & Accounting
             intellectual property                                     Kristin Gifford, CPA, has joined the Research
             matters can be complex. For                               Foundation team as director of Finance and
             this reason, the Research                                 Accounting. She recently moved to the Bay
             Foundation OSP and Risk                                   Area from Washington D.C.
             Management team does the                                  Kristin has nearly 21 years of experience
             following:                                                as a financial professional. Prior to joining
                                                                       the Research Foundation, Kristin served
                                                                       as Director for Treasury Management at
             • Reviews contracts for                                   the University of Maryland College Park
               potential risks inherent in                             Foundation. She holds a B.S. in Business
               the scope of work                                       Administration from Villanova University.
                                                                       She is also a member of the American
                                                                       Institute of Certified Public Accountants and
             • Identifies exposure to                                  the Virginia Society of CPAs.
               loss and implements risk
               mitigation solutions
                                              Meet Alyssa Gapuz, Information Services Coordinator
             • Secures the insurance                                    New Information Services Coordinator
               needed for contracts and                                 Alyssa Gapuz joined the Research
               grants, including real and                               Foundation in April. She reports directly to
               personal property, fire,                                 OSP Information Services Senior Manager,
                                                                        Brenda Swann.
               earthquake, and travel
                                                                        Alyssa has several years of administrative,
                                                                        event planning, customer service, and
             • Manages vehicle, fire, and                               general office experience.
               property damage claims
                                                                        Prior to joining our team she was employed
                                                                        as an administrative assistant at the Silicon
             • Identifies intellectual                                  Valley Teen Therapy Center.
               property rights associated                               Alyssa is an SJSU Spartan, and holds a
               with sponsored research                                  Bachelor of Science degree in Kinesiology.

             • Assists with enforcement
               of activities related to the   Meet Vaishu Duraisamy, Accounts Payable Technician
               licensing of intellectual                                Vaishnavi “Vaishu” Duraisamy joined
               property                                                 the Finance and Accounting team as an
                                                                        Accounts Payable technician on May 1.
                                                                        She had previously been on a temporary
             For more information,                                      assignment with the Research Foundation
             please contact Manager,                                    since last October,
             OSP & Risk Compliance,                                     Prior to joining the Finance and Accounting
             Joaquin Ramirez at                                         team at SJSURF, Vaishu worked in several
             (408) 924-1546 or                                          other accounting roles throughout the
                                                                        Bay Area. She holds a Bachelor’s degree in
                                     Commerce and an MBA.

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