Page 16 - 2018 RF Annual Report 28 PDF for Web
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Each year the California State University (CSU) system organizes a statewide student research competition.
The competition is held to promote excellence in undergraduate and graduate scholarly research and creative activity
by recognizing outstanding student accomplishments throughout the twenty-three campuses of the California State
University. Students are nominated to participate by their home campus and present written and oral overviews of their
research projects at the two-day competition.
The SJSU undergraduate and graduate research students listed below had the opportunity to present their
work and compete as SJSU’s representatives in the 2017 CSU Student Research Competition, which was held at
California Polytechnic State University (Cal Poly), San Luis Obispo. Mary Ryan and Ryan T. Scott each took second
place in their respective categories at the CSU competition.
Student Researcher(s) Title of Presentation College Faculty Mentor
Alexander Cabot and Search for O[1-] Physics and Astronomy Carolus Boekema
Irene Lin Earthquake-Like Precursors: College of Science
an MEμSR MgO Study
Bryan Dang and Virtual Reality in Simulation The Valley Foundation Colleen O’Leary-Kelley
Jeland Palicte Training: A Comparative School of Nursing
Study for Heightening College of Applied Sciences
Learning Immersion & Arts
to Increase University
Kunal Goswami Reinforcement Learning Computer Engineering Younghee Park
Based Adaptive Threat Charles W. Davidson
Response in Software College of Engineering
Defined Networks
Sarah Lysgaard Ballet de la Nuit: Art and Art History Anne Simonson
Staging the Absolute College of Humanities and
Monarchy of Louis XIV the Arts
Maryam Runiassy Modeling Cloud Computing Computer Engineering Weider D. Yu
Threats and Vulnerabilities Charles W. Davidson
College of Engineering
Mary Ryan A Functional Explanation Linguistics and Language Daniel Silverman
Awarded Second Prize of Word-Final [s] Lenition Development
in Spanish: Comparing College of Humanities and
Corpus Data From Western the Arts
Andalusian and Castilian
Ryan T. Scott Zoledronate Prevents Kinesiology Peggy Plato
Awarded Second Prize Simulated Weightlessness- College of Applied Sciences
Induced Bone Loss in the and Arts
Cancellous Compartment
While Blunting the Efficacy
of a Mechanical Loading
Hadil Shalan Improved Photocatalytic Chemistry Lionel Cheruzel
Activity of Hybrid P450 College of Science
Biocatalysts by Substituent
Variation in the Ru(II)-
16 ANNU AL REP OR T 2018