Page 21 - 2018 RF Annual Report 28 PDF for Web
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          CHEMISTRY                                             Ryan Portner
                                                                Collaborative Research: Fingerprinting Source-to-Sink
          Lionel Cheruzel                                       Associations for Deep-Marine Vitriclastic Deposits and
          RU(II) Diimine Labeled P450 Mutants for Selective Hydroxylation   their Associations
          of Substrate C-H Bond Using Innovative Photo-Oxidative   National Science Foundation: $198,640
          Department of Health and Human Services: $108,375
                                                                MATHEMATICS AND STATISTICS
          RUI: Light-Driven Biocatalysts for the Selective Functionalization
          of Substrate C-H Bonds                                Roger Alperin
          National Science Foundation: $52,445                  EFRI-ODISSEI: Origami and Assembly Techniques for
                                                                Human-Tissue-Engineering (OATH)
          Laura Miller-Conrad                                   Northeastern University: $83,970
          Blocking Cationic Antimicrobial Peptide-Resistance in
          Pseudomonas Aeruginosa                                Joanne Rossi Becker
          Department of Health and Human Services: $108,375     UT Dana Center Project of 5th Grade Video Project with
                                                                SJSU Research Foundation
          Gilles Muller                                         University of Texas at Austin: $30,000
          Chiroptical Induced CPL-Based Tool as a Probe of
          Biological Substrates                                 Silicon Valley Mathematics Initiative 2017-18
          Department of Health and Human Services: $107,550     Silicon Valley Community Foundation: $80,000
          Alberto A. Rascon, Jr.                                Daniel Brinkman
          Vector Control Strategy Through Inhibition of Aedes Aegypti   Solution for Predictive Physical Modeling in CCDTE and
          Midgut Proteases                                      Other Thin-Film PV Technologies
          Department of Health and Human Services: $108,375     Arizona State University: $78,306
          Annalise Van Wyngarden                                Elizabeth Gross
          Undergraduate Summer School in Nuclear and            RUI: Computational Algebraic Geometry and Combinatorial
          Radiochemistry                                        Algorithms for Neuroscience and Biological Networks
          University of Missouri: $94,428                       National Science Foundation: $133,547

          Karen A. Singmaster                                   Joanne Rossi Becker and Cheryl Roddick
          SJSU LSAMP Program                                    Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Project - CSMP
          CSU, Sacramento: $30,000                              Regents of the University of California: $20,000

          CSU SJSU LSAMP Program                                Joanne Rossi Becker, Cheryl Roddick and
          CSU, Sacramento: $40,000                              Jordan Schettler
                                                                Santa Clara Valley Mathematics Project (NCLB13)
          Karen A. Singmaster, Cleber C. Ouverney and           Regents of the University of California: $27,000
          Alberto A. Rascon, Jr.
          San José State University Rise Program                Wesley Maciejewski
          Department of Health and Human Services: $475,563     Basic Skills Partnership Pilot Program
                                                                CSU East Bay: $70,000
                                                                Ferdinand Rivera
          Margareta Ackerman                                    Integrated Teacher Preparation Grant
          Unsupervised Learning (Clustering) of Odontocete      California Commission on Teacher Credentialing: $250,000
          Echolocatation Clicks
          San Diego State University Foundation: $24,929        Slobodan Simic and Guangliang Chen
                                                                Verizon + CAMCOS Proof of Concept
          Ronald Mak                                            Verizon: $31,935
          Student Travel Support for the CGO 2017 / HPCA 2017 / PPoPP
          2017 Symposia Co-located in Austin, Texas             METEOROLOGY AND CLIMATE SCIENCE
          National Science Foundation: $30,000
                                                                Eugene Cordero
          GEOLOGY                                               Do-It-Yourself Home Energy Savings Toolkit Program
                                                                City of San José: $79,121
          Ellen Metzger
          New Haven Unified School District a California Math and Science   Sen Chiao
          Partnership Professional Development Program          I-Corps: Real-Time Big Data Based Decision Support System for
          New Haven Unified School District: $77,760            Water Use in California
                                                                National Science Foundation: $50,000

                                                                Atmospheric Boundary Layer Responses of the 2017 North
                                                                America Total Solar Eclipse
                                                                University of California, San Diego: $8,000

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