Page 25 - 2018 RF Annual Report 28 PDF for Web
P. 25


          Dorrit Billman                                        UNIVERSITY PROGRAMS
          Training for Generalizable Skills & Knowledge:
          Integrating Principles and Procedures                 OFFICE OF RESEARCH
          NASA: $200,000
                                                                James L. Wayman
          Kevin Gregory                                         Consultancy Support to the CESG Biometrics Test Programme
          2017 Fatigue Management Training for                  Communications-Electronics Security Group: $100,254
          San Francisco Bar Pilots
          California Maritime Academy: $2,000                   PROVOST OFFICE
          Kevin Jordan                                          Amy Strage
          Autonomous Flight, Future Vertical Lift Systems,      Transforming College Teaching: Statewide Implementation of the
          and Human Systems Integration                         Faculty Learning Program to Improve STEM Undergraduate
          NASA: $32,590                                         University of California, Berkeley: $32,925
          Randall J. Mumaw                                      SJSU RESEARCH FOUNDATION
          Technologies for Indicating System Status and Dependencies
          during Complex Non-Normal Situations                  Sandeep Muju
          University of Iowa : $50,000                          Design, Delivery, and Management of a Programme to Support
                                                                Technology Client Companies of Enterprise Ireland
          Sean Laraway                                          Enterprise Ireland: $171,699
          A Proposal to Conduct Collaborative Human Systems Integration
          Research between NASA Ames Research Center and SJSU   STUDENT ACADEMIC SUCCESS SERVICES
          NASA: $11,401,778
                                                                Maria Cruz
          IPA Assignment - Brian Gore                           The Ronald E. McNair Post Baccalaureate
          NASA: $5,334                                          Achievement Program
                                                                Department of Education: $500,580
          IPA Assignment - Steven Hillenius
          NASA: $13,412                                         ASPIRE (Student Support Services) -
                                                                San José State University
          IPA Assignment - Paul Lee                             Department of Education: $882,169
          NASA: $454,751
                                                                Patricia Backer
          Human Systems Integration: Collaborative Human Factors   Project Succeed:
          Research to Improve Safety, Efficiency, and Reliability of NASA’s   2013 Title III Strengthening Institutions Program
          Aeronautics and Space Missions                        Department of Education: $449,980
          NASA: $3,831,083
                                                                UNIVERSITY LIBRARY
          IPA Assignment - Kristle McCracken
          NASA: $558,024                                        Rebecca Kohn
                                                                California State University Japanese American Digitization
          Enable Reduced Crew Operations (RCO) with Human       Implementation Grant
          Automation Teaming (R-HATS)                           CSU, Dominguez Hills Foundation: $2,500
          Human Automation Teaming Solutions: $49,627
                                                                VP FOR STUDENT SERVICES
          Audra Ruthruff
          Test Subject Recruitment Office                       Romando Nash and Julie Sedlemeyer
          NASA: $344,264                                        San Jose State WorkAbility IV Program
                                                                California Department of Rehabilitation: $577,260
          David Schuster
          CAREER: Understanding the Cognitive Processes of Computer
          Network Defense
          National Science Foundation: $16,000

          Susan Snycerski
          Advanced Rotorcraft Research: Adaptive Autonomy,
          Future Lift Systems, and Human-Centered Display Design
          NASA: $2,545,659

          Dayana Salazar
          Community Leadership Development Program
          City of San José: $50,000

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