Page 12 - Vademecum2020
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        Línea Basken

        Total spectrum, single dose antiparasitic agent, with no side effects.

         1  BASKEN GOURMET PASTA                 2  BASKEN PLUS       3  BASKEN DOBLE             4  BASKEN SUSPENSIÓN              5  BASKEN 4 APR

         Against resistant parasites. Ample spectrum.  Treatment of parasitosis caused by nematodes and cestodes, as   Treatment of parasitosis caused by   Againts resistant parasites. Ample spectrum
         Giandicide. Palatable. Easy to administer.   from 30 days old.                           Toxocara canis, Toxocara cati;    Giardicide. A single treatment suffices to
         Fórmula: Pamoato de pirantel, 7,25 g%;   Formula:           Formula: Pyrantel pamoate 72.08   Toxascaris leonina; Ancylostoma spp;   eliminate all parasites
         Pamoato de oxantel, 7,00 g%; Oxibendazol,   Pyrantel pamoate 36.03 mg;  mg; oxantel pamoate 69.90 mg;   Uncinaria stenocephala and Trichuris   Fórmula: Pirantel pamoato, 24,17 g%;
         7,50 g%; Praziquantel, 2,50 g%.        Oxantel pamoate 34.95 mg;   Praziquantel 25 mg.   vulpis in pups and kittens. It is also   Oxantel pamoato, 23,33 g%; Oxfendazole,
         CODE 2-9080 CATS 1mL Syringe           Praziquantel 6.24mg  CODE 2-9066 Double 20        effective in killing larvae and adults.  18,83 g%; Praziquantel; 8,33 g%.
         CODE 2-9081 BIG CATS 7mL Syringe       CODE 2-9069          4 tablets per packet.        Formula: Each ml contains: Pyrantel   CODE 2-9075 SMALL 4 tablets per packet
         CODE 2-9082 MINI DOGS 1mL Syringe      Plus cats            CODE 2-9064 Double 40        pamoate 14.5 mg; Oxantel pamoate 14   CODE 2-9076 MEDIUM 4 tablets per packet
         CODE 2-9083 SMALL DOGS 2mL Syringe     4 tablets per packet  4 tablets per packet.       mg and excipients, q.s.           CODE 2-9078 GIANT 3 tablets per packet
         CODE 2-9084 MEDIUM / SMALL DOGS 3mL Syringe  CODE 2-9061    Formula: Pyrantel pamoate    CODE 2-9060 15mL per vias.
         CODE 2-9085 MEDIUM-SIZED DOGS 5mL Syringe  Plus small dogs   288.40 mg; Oxantel pamoate
         CODE 2-9086 BIG DOGS 10mL Syringe      4 tablets per packet  279.60 mg; Praziquantel 100 mg.
                                                                     CODE 2-9065 Double 60
                                                                     3 tablets per packet.



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