Page 8 - Vademecum2020
P. 8



           DOMINAL COLLAR                          DOMINAL SOAP                 DOMINAL MAX CATS PIPETTE                  DOMINAL MAX DOGS PIPETTE
         1                                       2                            3                                        4
        External antiparasitic for dogs and cats. The   Antiparasitic soap for dogs and   Antiparasitic with topical action and   Antiparasitic with topical action and environmental effect
        active ingredients are incorporated to the   cats with cosmetic action;   environmental effect for cats.       for dogs.
        plastic matrix of the collar, as micro-particles   indicated for the weekly bath.  Dominal MAX Cats is destined to the prevention and   Dominal MAX Dogs is destined to the prevention and treatment of
        that migrate to the surface continuousl   Treatment and prevention of the   treatment of the infestations by fleas and lice.  infestations by fleas, ticks and lice. Repels flies and mosquitoes
        maintaining its efficacy in a sustained manner   infestations by fleas and lice  Dominal MAX Cats contains Imidacloprid and   that transmit dirofilariasis (heart worm). Contains Imidacloprid,
        over a period of 3 months.              in dogs and cats.             Fenoxicarb. Imidacloprid is characterized by its potent   Permetrine and Fenoxicarb. Imidacloprid is characterized by its
        External antiparasitic destined to the prevention and   Formula: Contents per each 100   dumping power, responsible for the elimination of   potent dumping power, responsible for the elimination of 100% of
        treatment of the infestations by fleas tick and/or lice.   grams: Imidacloprid 0,30 grams;  100% of the fleas within 24 hours post-application.   the fleas within the 24 hours post-application. Permetrine provides
        The necessary dose is administered according to the                   The Fenoxicarb provides residual power, due to its   the tickicide power. The Fenoxicarb furnishes residual power, due
        weight of the collar and the size of the animal. It is   excipient q.s.  analogous action to that of the juvenile hormones of   to its analogous action to that of the juvenile, hormones of the
        recommended that the collar be changed every.  CODE 2-9428 x 90 gr    the flea, preventing the maturing of eggs and larvae,   flea, preventing the eggs and larvae from maturing, eliminating
        Formula: Contents per each 100 grams: Propoxur                        eliminating same from the quarters without resorting   same from the quarters without resorting to additional products.
        12,00 grams; Imidacloprid 5,00 grams; Fenoxicarb,                     to other additional products.            Formula: Contents per each 100 mL: Permetrine 45 grams;
        1,00 grams, excipient q.s.p. 300 mg.                                  Formula: Contents per each 100 mL: Imidacloprid 8,0   Imidacloprid 10,0 grams; Fenoxicarb 0,5 grams; excipient q.s.
                                                                              grams; Fenoxicarb 0,5 grams; excipient q.s.
        CODE 2- 9417 Puppies collar 13gr/36cm;                                                                         CODE 2-9473 Up to 5kg / Pipette 0,5 mL,
        CODE 2-9418 Small and medium sized dogs collar                        CODE 2-9471 Up to 4 kg weigh/Pipette 0,5 mL;  CODE 2-9474 From 5.1 to 10kg / Pipette: 1,0 mL,
        28gr/48cm;                                                            CODE 2-9472 More than 4 kg weigh/Pipette 1,0 mL.  CODE 2-9475 From 10,1 to 25kg / Pipette: 2,5 mL,
        CODE 2-9419 Big dogs collar 38gr/60 cm;                                                                        CODE 2-9476 From 25,1to 40kg / Pipette: 4,0 mL,
        CODE 2-9420 Extra big dogs collar 45gr/75 cm;                                                                  CODE 2-9477 More than 40kg / Pipette: 6,0 mL.
        CODE 2- 9416 Cats collar 13 gr/36 cm.                                 2



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