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        Maximum potency non-steroid antiinflammatory,
        analgesic and antipyretic agent.





           1  APLONAL 5%                                     2  APLONAL 1%                                3  APLONAL 5mg              4   APLONAL 20mg
           Injectable non-steroid antiinflammatory, analgesic  Injectable non-steroid antiinflammatory, analgesic   A non-steroid anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antipyretic agent for oral
           and antipyretic agent for large animals, with a morphine  and antipyretic agent for dogs, with a morphine   administration in dogs, equivalent to morphine in potency.
           equivalent potency.                              equivalent potency.
           Horses: Colic and inflammatory injuries of the locomotive system.  Pain and inflammation relief in musculo-skeletal   Pain and inflammation relief in dogs, irrespective of its origin, especially
           Cattle: Supportive treatment in acute infectious diseases,  disorders; endotoxic shock; post-traumatic and   musculo-skeletal.
           calf diarrhea and fallen cow syndrome.           post-surgery pain.                                                          Formula: Each tablet contains:
           Pigs: Treatment of the metritis-mastitis- agalactia syndrome.  In ophthalmology: surgery, uveitis and Conjunctivitis.  Formula: Each tablet contains:
           Post-surgical and post-traumatic relief in all species  Supportive treatment of parvovirosis in dogs.  Flunixin base (as meglumine) 5 mg   Flunixin base (as meglumine) 20 mg
                                                                                                                                        and excipients, q.s.p. 300 mg.
           Formula: Each ml contains: base flunixin (as meglumine) 50 mg;   Formula: Each ml contains: base flunixin (as meglumine)   and excipients, q.s.p. 300 mg.
           excipients and vehicle q.s.                      10 mg; excipients and vehicle q.s.           CODE 2- 2-9013 X 5 mg          CODE 2- 9014 X 20 mg

           CODE 2- 9011 x 12 mL
           CODE 2- 9012 X 30 ML                             CODE 2- 9010 X 12 mL
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