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        BACTROPROFEN                                                                      BRONCOPULMONARY KURAMYCIN

        Bacteriostatic and bactericide antibiotic that penetrates                         Sustained action Bioavailable for 5 days. A single treatment is enough.
        the infected core.                                                                Stable Sterile solution, ready to use.

        Oral administration antibiotic and steroid antiinflammatory agent                  KURAMICINA® BRONCOPULMONAR, is a modern dual action formulation.
        for dogs and cats.                                                                The long-acting oxytetracycline, generating in a single application, 5 days
        Treatment of general infectious processes with antibiotic,                        of antimicrobial therapy and flunixin, a potent anti-inflammatory, analgesic
        antiinflammatory and analgesic action in dogs and cats.                            and antipyretic, providing a rapid and effective symptomatic recovery.
        Fórmula: Each tablet contains: Tetracycline hydrochloride 90 mg;                  Formula: Each mL contains: Flunixin base, 20 mg; Oxytetracycline base,
        chloramphenicol 90 mg; base prednisolone 2 mg and excipients                      200 mg; excipients qs.
        q.s.p. 300 mg.
                                                                                          CODE 2-9306 x 100 mL
                                                                                          CODE 2-9607 x 250 mL
        CODE 2-9000 x 130 TABLETS                                                         CODE 2-9305 x 40 mL

        BTK 35                                                                            POLIDERM

        Cure and prevention of keratoconjuntivitis.                                       Otic-dermic bactericide, fungicide and anti-inflammatory solution.
        Total acting bactericide, fungicide and viricide. Antiinflammatory.
                                                                                          External otitis of bacterial and/or mycotic origin and localized dermatitis,
        Topical administration antibacterial and antiinflammatory agent for small and large   with the same origin, in dogs and cats.
        animals. For the prevention and treatment of infectious keratoconjuntivitis in    Fórmula: 100 ml contain: Thiabendazole 4 g; Triamcinolone acetonide
        cattle, as well as for the prevention and treatment of bacterial inflammation and   0.1 g; Neomicine base (as sulfate) 0.288 g and excipients q.s.
        infection of traumatic and surgical wounds in horses.
        Fórmula: Each 100 g of concentrate: argentic sulfadiazine 0,85 g%;
        Oxytetracycline hydrochloride 5,00 g%; hydrocortisone acetate 0.29 g%;
        excipients q.s.f.

        CODE 2- 9040 x 250 gr/440 mL                                                      CODE 2-9320 x 15 mL

        KURAMICINA L.A.                                                                   CORTI-DURAL 20

        Sustained action. Five-day bioavailability. Just one application is enough.       Long-acting glucocorticoid. This productis a sterile aqueous suspensión of a derivative of
        Immediate and long acting injectable antibiotic.                                  prednisolone: methylprednisoloneacetate.
                                                                                          Intramuscular injection in canines and felines and intrasinovial injectionin canines in the following cases:
        For the prevention and cure of general infectious diseases, caused by Gram        muscularkeletal conditions; allergic conditions; infections with severe toxicity.
        positive and Gram negative bacteria, micoplasmas, rickettsias and clamydias       Complementary: in other situations where inflammation or vascularization reduction, fibroblastic infiltration
        in cattle, sheep and pigs. Very effective in keratoconjuntivitis (intrapalpebral)   and tissue damage reduction is required; and in the case of
        and for the treatment of campylobacteriosis in bulls.                             snake bites (anti-toxic, anti-shock and anti-inflammatory
                                                                                          action). Reduces swelling and prevents scarification; the
        Fórmula: Each 100 ml contains: amphoteric base oxytetracycline 20 g,              corresponding parallel specific treatments (antisera,
        excipients and vehicle q.s                                                        antidotes, etc.) must be administered.
                                                                                          Fórmula: Each 100 mL contains:
        CODE 2-9311 x 100 mL                                                              Methylprednisoloneacetate, 20 g; excipients qs.
        CODE 2-9312 x 250 mL
        CODE 2-9310 x 40 mL                                                               CODE 2-9140: 20 mg/mL  X 5 mL
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