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         BABS® SPOT-ON FOR DOGS                                                            BABS® FLEA AND TICK PESTICIDE BATH FOR DOGS

         External antiparasitic for topical application on dogs.                           External, water emulsifiable, antiparasitic product to
         Babs® places a complete line of highly effective Spot-On at your                  control external ectoparasites attacking dogs.
         disposal for the treatment and prevention of fleas and ticks.Babs®
         Spot-On Dogs is the most effective pulicicide and tickicide solution              Parasites die immediately due to the quick killing action of one of
         for controlling and preventing infestations in your pet. It will                  its active ingredients. The dog must not be rinsed after treatment
         instantly kill fleas and ticks while your dog plays with you. The                  and will thus be free from ticks and fleas for 7 days, because the
         powerful formula of Babs® Spot-On Dogs cuts off the fleas cycle by                 second active ingredient has an efficient residual power.
         eliminating them before they reproduce. Effective protection for 30               Formula: DDVP 2.2 g%; Diazinon 2 g%; inactive ingredients and
         days. Mosquito repellent.                                                         emulsifiers q.s.p. 100 mL.
         Formula: Permethrin, 45 g%; Imidacloprid, 10 g%; inactive
         ingredients q.s.p. 100 mL.
         CODE 3-555 x 0,5 ml  /  CODE 3-556 x 1 ml /  CODE 3-557 x 2 ml                    CODE 3-402 x 70 ml
         CODE 3-558 x 4 ml  /  CODE 3-559 x 6 ml                                           CODE 3-403 x 120 ml

        BABS® SPOT-ON FOR CATS                                                             BABS® SPRAY FLEA AND TICK PESTICIDE

        External antiparasitic for topic application in cats.                              Efficient external antiparasitic agent.
        Indicated for treatment and prevention of infestations with fleas
        in cats. It kills eggs, larvae and adults. Babs® Spot-On Cats is                   Efficient external antiparasitic agent, with an easy to use application system
        the most effective topical flea pesticide to control and prevent                    to eliminate dog parasites such as fleas, ticks and lice. It provides a
        fleas infestation. Babs® Spot-On Cats kills fleas instantly, thus                    long-lasting protection due to its residual effect.
        protecting your pet for 30 days. Its powerful formulation                          Formula: Propoxur, 2.26 g%; inactive ingredients q.s.p. 100 g%. Propellant:
        prevents eggs and larvae to develop in adults, thus providing                      Butane. Ratio of concentrate to propellant: 20:80 .
        total control of fleas.
        Formula: Imidacloprid, 8.0 g%; Fenoxycarb, 0.5 g%; inactive
        ingredients q.s.p. 100 mL.
        CODE 3-554 Spot-On: 0.63 mL for cats up to 11 pounds, in an individual box.        CODE 3-405 x 137,5 gr / 250 mL

         BABS® FLEA AND TICK POWDER                                                        BABS® SPRAY PESTICIDE FOR PREMISES
         FOR CATS AND DOGS                                                                 An excellent spray supplement to help control external parasites
                                                                                           attacking cats and dogs.
         It is an effective product used to fight external parasites
         in cats and dogs without bathing them.                                            Parasites, whether adults or larvae, may also be found in dog houses,
                                                                                           beddings, baseboards, corners, walls, carpets, sofas, gardens and
         It eliminates fleas, ticks and lice immediately. Its active                        other areas used by the dog. These places are important reproduction
         ingredient works for approximately 7 days thus assuring a                         and re-infestation sources. This powerful parasiticide for premises has
         residual effect and protection against new re-infestations.                       been created to control and eliminate fleas, ticks and other parasites
         Formula: Propoxur, 1 g%; inactive ingredients q.s.p. 100 g%.                      found in the premises where dogs and cats live. Moreover, it is dry
                                                                                           and deodorizes the premises with a pleasant and persistent aroma.
                                                                                           Formula: Propoxur, 2.26 g%; inactive ingredients q.s.p. 100 g%.
         CODE 3-501 x 80 gr.
                                                                                           Propellant: Butane. Ratio of concentrate to propellant: 20:80.
                                                                                           CODE 3-600 x 245 gr. / 415 mL.
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