Page 31 - Vademecum2020
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         ULTRA VIGILANTE                                                                   ULTRA BOM

         Gel for cockroach elimination with “Domino Effect”.                               Cockroach control in bait.

         Its exclusive formula combines a slow acting insecticide with an                  Ultra Bom® is a novel formula that combines a slow-acting
         attractant that turns the gel into an irresistible bait. When the first            insecticide with excipients that are attractive for cockroaches,
         cockroach eats Ultra Vigilante®, the “domino effect” immediately                  generating their self-destruction. This may appear incredible but
         occurs; the cockroach returns to its nest and transmits the insecticide           it is true! A cockroach that has tasted Ultra Bom® will infect
         to the others that die. The other cockroaches both nymphs and adults              up to 60 other cockroaches until the complete nest has been
         close in to eliminate the remains and are thus contaminated by the                destroyed.
         insecticide, and inevitably continues to do so once and again. This
         chain reaction does away with the nest in a short time.                           Formula: Hydramethylnone 2, 00 g%, excipients q.s. for 100 g%.
         Formula: Hydramethylnone. 2,15 g%, excipient q.s. for 100 g%.
                                                                                           CODE  6-1057 x 6  Baits.
         CODE 6-1054 X 12 gr Syringe  /  CODE 6- 1052 X 6 gr Syringe                       CODE  6-1058 x 2 Baits.
          FLIES KILLER

         ULTRA PUM!                                                                        ULTRA PUM!® DISH
         Granulated Bait Insecticide for Flies.                                            Fly killer bait placed on plates with activator.

         Ultra Pum® is the safest and most effective insecticide against the               Granulated bait whose two main components are a high efficacy insecticide that, upon
         domestic fly eliminating any type of fly the minute it is ingested.                 being ingested by flies, poisos and rapidly kills them and Ultralure®, a novel olfactory
         Contains Ultralure®, a powerful olfactory hormone with remote                     hormone with remote action that attracts the flies to the bait. Flies die in a few
         attraction action which causes the flies to close in on the bait. The flies         minutes and the action persists for 2 to 3 weeks. Owing to its novel design with side
         die in a few minutes while its action persists for 2 or 3 weeks.                  openings a gentle breeze enters and goes through the plate, subsequently emerging
         Furthermore, Ultra Pum® contains Birtax®, a potent bittering substance            and releasing a non-toxic substance that attracts the flies that are in the quarters.
         that inhibits accidental ingestion by humans and non-target animals.              Formula: PLATITO: Azametifós 1g%, Z-9 Tricosene (Ultralure®) 0,125 g%,
                                                                                           Denatonium Benzoate (Birtax®) 0,001 g%, excipients q.s. 100 g%.
                                                                                           ACTIVATOR: Trimethylamine Clorhidrate de 0,030 g%; excipients q.s. 100 mL.
         CODE 6-1010  Display containing 18 bags with 30 g. each.
                                                                                           CODE 6-1015  DISH 2 u.
           ANTS KILLER
         ULTRA PLAF!                                                                       ULTRA PLAF!® POWDER
         Gel Ant Killer.                                                                   Ant-killer Powder. Ultra Plaf® Insecticide Ant-killer Powder kills the
                                                                                           ants that come into contact with the product; it also kills through
         Ant Killer Gel Ultra Plaf® is a novel formula that combines a                     ingestion, preventing the ants from harming gardens, parks and homes.
         retarded action insecticide with attractants and flavoring. Ants are
         attracted by Ultra Plaf® Gel, subsequently transport it in small                  Indicated to combat all ant species: common black ant, (Acromyrmex lundi),
         quantities to their ant-hill where they transfer it mouth to mouth to             invasive ant (Iridomyrmex humilis),
         other worker ants, larvae and finally the queen, causing the                       fire ants (leaf cutter ants and town ants) or Isaú (Atta vollenweideri), miner
         destruction of the colony, due to a domino effect. Ultra Plaf® Gel is             ant or Misiones ant (Atta sexdens).
         indicated for indoor and outdoor use. With each application of Ultra
         Plaf® Gel, you obtain total control for a period of fifteen days.                  Formula: Fenitrothion 2 g%; excipients q.s. 100 g%
         Formula: Hydramethylnone 1,00 g%,
                                                                                           CODE 6- 1063 X  150 GR
         CODE 6-1065  x 6 gr Seringe                                                       CODE 6- 1064 X 250 GR
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