P. 46
Student´s name: Karla Miranda Cueva
Syllabus: WRITING II
Date: July 24th, 2017,
EVALUATED 2,5 2 1,5 1
Format, completeness and The portfolio contains all The portfolio is somewhat The portfolio shows little The portfolio shows no
Organization the elements (8 elements organized and may miss one organization and may organization and may
(1. Cover page & described below) in a very or two elements. miss three or four miss more than four
index, organized way. elements. elements.
(2. Vision
statement, Mision
statement, Exit profile
(3. C.V.
(4. Syllabus
(5. Statement of
personal goals
according to each
(6. Five evidences
(7. Final Essay
8. Rubric with grade of
Statement of Personal Demonstrates honest and Good reflection about future Statement may be short Many language errors
Learning Goals complex understanding of goals, some parts could use and insincere, that make it difficult to
learning goals, relates elaboration or further demonstrates little understand, little or no
goals to current syllabus, analysis, some language reflection about goals reflection about future
few or no language errors. errors that and how it relates to goals and current
don´t affect comprehension.
class, many language syllabus.
Final essay The final essay explains The final essay explains The final essay explains The final essay does not
(Students from 3 to how the learning how the learning outcomes how the learning give a good explanation
9 semester) outcomes of the current of the current syllabus outcomes of the current of how the learning
syllabus respond to the responds to the Program´s syllabus responds to the outcomes of the current
Program´s exit profile in a exit profile in a very good Program´s exit profile in syllabus responds to the
very clear and complete way. a good way. Program´s exit profile in
way. a good way.
Mechanics grammar, The portfolio does not The portfolio has four to The portfolio has seven The portfolio has more
punctuation, have major mistakes that six mistakes in grammar, to ten mistakes in than ten mistakes in
capitalization and distract the reader from punctuation, grammar, punctuation, grammar, punctuation,
spelling. the context. One to three capitalization, or spelling. capitalization, or capitalization, or spelling.
minor mistakes in spelling. It is difficult for the
reader to understand the
grammar, punctuation, content.
capitalization, or spelling
are tolerated.
Total /10
Comments About Portfolio:
PLAGIARISM in any section of the portfolio will be PENALIZED with the grade of zero.
Authors: Professors of the Academic Area of the English Language Teaching Program at UTA