Page 132 - ManualFormandoInglesBasico
P. 132

Manual do formando | Inglês Básico

                   Weather Vocabulary

               breeze - light wind             brisa            Don't bother with a hat. There is always a
                                                                breeze near the ocean.

               Celsius - measurement of                         In the summer, the average temperature
               temperature (0 degrees is       Celsius          here is 20 degrees Celsius.
               freezing/100 is boiling)

               chilly -  cold                  frio             It's a bit chilly today, so I think you should
                                                                wear a coat.

               cloud/cloudy - water in the     núvem            It may look cloudy in the morning, but the
               sky that appears as a white or  /nublado         sun always comes out by afternoon.
               grey mass

               cool - temperature in           fresco           The days were boiling hot, but the nights
               between warm and cold                            were cool and comfortable for sleeping.

               Degrees - measurement for       graus            I don't feel the heat until it's about forty
               temperature                                      degrees Celsius outside.

               drought - a long period with    seca             Forest fires are a serious danger during a
               no rainfall                                      drought.

               Fahrenheit - measurement of  Fahrenheit          It was 100 degrees Fahrenheit when we
               temperature (32 degrees is                       got to San Francisco.
               freezing/212 is boiling)

               flood - overflow of rain water   cheia /         The flood was so bad, our basement was
                                               inundação        full of water.

               fog/foggy - thick water         nevoeiro         We couldn't see the bridge because there
               vapour that blocks one's                         was too much fog.

               forecast - the expected         previsão         According to the 5 day forecast, it's going
               weather for the future                           to rain on our wedding day.

               heat-wave - extremely hot       onda de calor    During the heat-wave we cooled our beds

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