Page 133 - ManualFormandoInglesBasico
P. 133
Manual do formando | Inglês Básico
weather that is much higher down with ice packs.
than average--usually lasts a
short time
hurricane - a tropical storm furacão Half of the buildings on the island were
with very strong wind and rain flattened by the hurricane.
lightning - electric flash relâmpago The outdoor pool always closes when the
caused by two clouds hitting lifeguards suspect lightning.
rain/rainy - water that falls to chuva / My hair is all wet and messy from the rain.
earth chuvoso
rainbow - a band of colours arco-íris According to legend you can find a pot of
found in the sky after a rainfall gold at the end of a rainbow.
snow/snowy - frozen water neve There is already a lot of snow up in the
that warms slightly as it falls mountains, so the ski season should be
to earth great this year.
sun/sunny - the star that sol / It’s sunny today!
warms the earth solarengo
thunder/thunderstorm - trovoada Let's close all of the windows. It looks like a
the crashing of clouds (often thunderstorm is coming.
followed by a strike of
lightning and heavy rain)
tornado/cyclone - tornado The tornado picked up everything in its
violently spinning windstorm path, including animals and cars.
umbrella - held over one's I always keep an umbrella in my car in
head and body for rain guarda-chuva case of rain.
warm – pleasant temperature quente We can go to the swimming-pool today
because it’s warm.
wind/windy - blowing air vento / It's too windy to play golf today.
outside ventoso