Page 37 - dissertation flip book
P. 37

Sutherland, E. and Sutherland, E., 2020. Budget Marketing To A Caring Post-Covid Community. [online] Drapers. Available at: < community> [Accessed 7 December 2020].
This source contributed mainly to the points of discussion in chapter 3. It is also able to endorse statements made by both the millennial focus group and also the interview PR Professional about brands who supported however did not fulfil promises around major societal issues such as Black Lives Matter.
Swann, P., 2020. Cases In Public Relations Management: The Rise Of Social Media And Activism. 3rd ed. New York: Routledge, pp.148- 489.
This book was crucial in understanding ethics and also learning from past PR disasters. However more importantly to the research was the chapters on consumer relations which included how the internet has effected consumerism.
Tanner, L., 2020. Half Of US Adults Now Report Some Sign Of Depression, Twice As Much Compared To A Few Years Ago, Study Finds. [online] Business Insider. Available at: < depression-anxiety-spike-amid-outbreak-and-turbulent-times-2020-9?r=US&IR=T> [Accessed 7 December 2020].
Whist researching chapter 1 it was crucial to understand the amount of trauma consumers have been through and this source was important a sit provided statistics on how many peoples mental health had been effected during the pandemic. This source was also found relatively early on in the research and helped confirm the tribe to focus on.

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