Page 43 - dissertation flip book
P. 43
6) Is the number of jobs that are currently at risk affecting people’s mental health at all?
Answer : I have no proof personally of this as none of my clients are seeking help because of worrying about losing their job but I should imagine that this a huge problem for many, many people. 7) How would you define trauma?
Answer : I would define trauma as an extremely distressing event(s), circumstance, accident that causes a person to feel traumatised and to suffer psychological emotional problems. This is caused by the automatic nervous system`s response of fight/flight/freeze being activated due to the feeling of intense threat/harm being perceived. Having experienced a traumatic event, the person is then subject to suffering further and repeatedly from triggers in their present lives which cause flashbacks to the original traumatic event. Learning to recognise their own triggers and understand how it`s the brains amygdala sending a smoke alarm signal in case of further perceived threat, helps them to stay in the present and not be transported back to when the trauma originally happened. To recognise for themselves that they are in fact safe and not under any threat or risk of harm as their brains are alerting them to just because of something similar triggering them back in time. A smell, taste, sound, action, environment, person, anything can trigger them back in their brain to where they first experienced the trauma but in fact it`s not being repeated in their present reality.
8) Do you think that we as a country are going to be able to cope with the amount of people who may need professional mental health help over this time?
Answer : I would like to think that the government facilitates therapists being able to provide the help that so many need through this crisis and in the aftermath. Otherwise, sadly there are going to be so many suffering alone with no way of getting the help they need.
9) How important would you say it is for different brands and businesses to address the pandemic and its impact on people mentally?
Answer : Yes, I would say it is most important that as many brands and businesses address the various impacts the pandemic has and will continue to have on people’s mental health.