Page 44 - dissertation flip book
P. 44
Interview with therapists over email transcript- Susie Rogers
1) Would you say that you have noticed a particular rise or fall in the amount of people requesting therapy since March when lockdown began?
Answer : The number of clients seems to peak in the first couple of weeks into each lock down, with new clients but also old clients recontacting for a “top up” But then I feel its not particularly busier as people have a sense of uncertainty about money.
2) Is there any age group in particular who would appear to be struggling more throughout the pandemic and if so, would you be able to explain why?
Answer : The majority of my clients are in their 30s, they are working from home and finding it a strain particularly as time goes on and they are at home for an extended period They are working more intensely (without the organic breaks you find with the casual meet ups in the office eg going to the coffee machine Also working longer hours, not liking to log off, feeling constantly at work and available.
3) Do you think this second lockdown is going to worsen people’s mental health?
Answer : Is the second lockdown worse? Not sure yet as i said the time at home is extending and it doesnt feel as temporary as it initially did.
4) Would you have any key tips that would help people during this lockdown?
Answer : Tips for lockdown...if the day looks overwhelming, break it up into “bite-sized” chunks If you are working remember to take breaks, change your environment eg pop out for a take away coffee, walk round the block.
5) Would you say more people are worried about their physical health worsening or more about losing their family and friends which is causing a rise in the amount of people needing therapy, or could it be that it is a mixture of both?
Answer : Physical health and family... its both. Certainly a difficult time if you are single and wanting to date.
6) Is the number of jobs that are currently at risk affecting people’s mental health at all?
Answer : People’s jobs at risk...i m sure they are worried but working privately i haven’t been particularly aware of this 7) How would you define trauma?
Answer : Definition of trauma ‘Trauma is the response to a deeply distressing or disturbing event that overwhelms an individuals ability to cope, causes feelings of helplessness, diminishes their sense of self and their ability to feel the full range of emotions and experiences. ‘ This is not original but the most accurate.