Page 13 - ES Summer 2 Newsletter 2022
P. 13

Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel:  Top tips to get your pupils walking, wheeling, cycling, or scooting

  the results are in!                               to school

 Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel, known as  A school in Wales – Terrace Road   Be realistic with your aims and look to make small improvements, gradually e.g.

 Stroliwch a Roliwch in Wales, is the UK’s  Primary, Swansea managed to top the   encourage active travel one day a term or a month, being conscious not to make
 largest inter-school walking, wheeling,   large primary leader board across the   it too demanding for parents.
 scooting, and cycling challenge. It aims   UK, with a daily active journeys score of

 to inspire hundreds of thousands of   99.03%.
 pupils to get active during the school     The average primary school journey is   Late spring or summer terms may be more appealing times of the year to start an

 run. This year’s challenge took place   just 1.6 miles, yet one in four cars on   active travel campaign, giving you more chance of success.
 from 21 March to 1 April 2022.
    the road during the morning peak are
 During the two-week challenge schools   doing the school run.   Incorporate  route  planning  as  part  of  class  work  and  use  the  opportunity  to

 competed to record the greatest   Encouraging children to walk, cycle   incorporate numeracy by way of distances travelled and carbon emissions saved.
 number of pupils walking, using a   and scoot will reduce congestion and
 wheelchair, scooting, and cycling   pollution around the school gates, and

 to school, whilst learning about the   it will also help the child’s mental and   Ensure you celebrate any active journeys that are already taking place and also
 benefits of active travel along the way.   any progress in terms of improvements and achievements.

    physical health.

 This year, 228 schools across Wales   Teachers find that pupils who walk and
 registered and an amazing 3.4 million   cycle arrive at school more relaxed,
 active journeys and physical activities   alert, and ready to start the day than   Take advantage of the opportunity to be involved with active travel initiatives and

 logged by pupils and supporters.   competitions that take place throughout the year, so children and their families
         feel part of a national effort.
    those who travel by car.

         Offering cycle training as a school can be a fantastic way to help children develop

         skills and increase their, and their parents’ confidence on the roads.
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