Page 11 - ES Summer 2 Newsletter 2022
P. 11

Air Quality at Ty Gwyn Education Centre,

 Rhondda Cynon Taf

 Traffic has a hugely negative impact on air quality. This can be a problem around
 school grounds as cars and buses congregate at the start and end of each day. This

 is  also  hugely  affected  by  the  number  of
 parked cars that are idling.

 Checking Air Quality

 There are different ways to check the
 air quality around your school. One way

 is using natural biological indicators      We’re putting our foot down on roadside litter
       Have you spotted our roadside litter                   Keep your eyes and ears peeled this
 We asked Riley Evans, a Year 10

 student at Ty Gwyn Education Centre in   campaign adverts out on your travels?   summer as advertising will step up a
       From billboards to petrol pumps, we’ve
                                                              gear during busy weekends and bank
 Rhondda Cynon Taf, to explain how they   launched our new ‘Drive your litter
 used nature’s own air quality indicators,                    holidays to target as many drivers as
 lichens, to check out the air quality near   home’ campaign across Wales.  possible.
 their school.   We’re calling on drivers to keep their       We’re also partnering with Adventure
       conscience and our roadsides clear as                  Cinema to play our campaign advert on

       part of a new national roadside litter                 their big screens at outdoor cinemas
 “We checked the trees in Aberdare park
 for lichen and looked at roadside trees.   campaign. Research shows that 78%   across Wales!

 We noticed it was not growing on the   of vehicle litterers feel guilty after   The nationwide campaign is being
 trees near the roadside. All the trees   littering. Our new campaign encourages   run as part of Caru Cymru (a Welsh
       drivers to have a guilt free journey
 near the roadside had no lichen, but                         phrase meaning ‘Love Wales’) – an
 lichen was growing on the park side of   with no regrets and to ‘Drive your litter   inclusive movement led by Keep Wales
 the trees.”   home’.                                         Tidy and local authorities to inspire
       As part of the campaign, outdoor                       people to take action and care for the

       advertising is appearing across roadside  environment.
 Following this analysis, students   litter hotspots in Wales such as roadside
 explored ways they could reduce air   billboards, back of buses and petrol   Find out more about our

 pollution. Ideas ranged from walking   A good example of a survey schools   pump adverts. This also includes radio   roadside litter campaign on
 instead of using a car, reducing how   can conduct looking at air quality using   and digital audio advertising to target

 much they use aerosol deodorants,   bioindicators is the OPAL air survey   drivers listening to their favourite   our website.
 controlling traffic better, and Riley’s   which is available in English and Welsh.   channels.
 own innovative idea of researching the

 possibility of using magnetic power in
 the future!
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