Page 6 - ES Summer 2 Newsletter 2022
P. 6
Will electric cars solve our problems?
Last year, one in ten new vehicles registered in the
UK were fully electric.
The carbon footprint of fueling an electric vehicle is a
lot lower than a conventional car powered by petrol
or diesel as more of the electricity generated in the
UK is coming from renewable sources such as wind.
However, producing a new car uses huge amounts of What about air travel?
energy and resources, manufacturing. A new family
car generates greenhouse gas equivalent to around
eight tonnes of CO2, or 25 tonnes for a large SUV.
Manufacturing electric vehicles of similar
sizes generate even higher amounts It is estimated that flying accounts for greenhouse gases, we would have to fly
of greenhouse gases due to the very around 2% of global greenhouse gas less. We should look to make sure any
energy intensive process of making emissions. Though many scientists flight counts, maybe fly less often but
the battery (though it is hopeful agree that the impact of these gases stay for longer.
that this will reduce as the process on the atmosphere are much higher We should also consider other ways
becomes more efficient). because they are generated at high of travelling that could be part of the
altitude. It is estimated that only 20%
Switching to electric vehicles can of the world’s population use air travel, holiday experience such as going away
help decarbonize transportation with most flights occurring in more by train or by boat. We should make
but we should also be mindful of developed countries. sure the travel is necessary and that you
the increase demand we create for do things at your destination that you
electricity to power them. As flights become less expensive as a couldn’t do at home.
form of transport, the climate impact
Although reducing carbon from our of aviation has the potential to quickly It is important also to consider how air
transport through electric vehicles is become even more significant. freight might be involved in the goods
part of the answer, the best long-term that we buy. Any perishable items on
solution would be to rely less on our The impact of flying on an individual’s the shop shelves that have travelled a
vehicles. It would have a dramatic carbon footprint is huge, according long distance, such as flowers, soft fruits
impact on the amount of greenhouse to the How Bad are Bananas? book, and some vegetables like asparagus,
gases emitted and think also of the a return business class flight from are likely to have come by plane. Many
fewer roads and car parking spaces London to Hong Kong has the same other foods and goods, such as bananas,
that would be needed, all of which footprint as using 340,000 plastic bags. are transported by boats, which have
have an impact on habitats It’s a tough truth but to be able to a much lower impact relative to the
and our communities. live within our means, in terms of amount of cargo they can carry.