Page 4 - ES Summer 2 Newsletter 2022
P. 4

Transport                                                                                                      Why are the numbers so high?

                                                                                                                               How can we explain the increase in                    that’s moving food and products to
                                                                                                                              vehicles and distance that they travel,                the shops we visit, or goods that are

         Transport, travel, and                        Average Person’s Carbon Footprint                                      and why the carbon footprint of                        bought online that’s delivered to our

        commuting is a part of                                                                                                transport is so high? Well, our lifestyles  homes. Think about how frequently
        our daily lives. Whether                                                                                              are likely quite different to how they                 you see a delivery van on a road near

        it’s for school, work,                                                                                                were a few decades ago. Many more                      you these days!
        or leisure, our busy                                                                                                  families now have more than one car                    With improvements to the road
        lives often mean that                               Everything                  Travel                                per household. This is possibly because                network, many people are prepared

        we travel to numerous                                   Else                                                          people need to travel further for work                 to travel further for work and for days
        places throughout the                                                                                                 or because different members of the                    out and holidays than they might

        week. Very often, we                              Home and                                                            household need separate transport.                     have been a generation ago, which all
        rely on vehicles powered                      Accommodation                                                           A generation ago, 70% of children                      contributes to those road miles racking
        by fossil fuels to travel.                                                                                            walked to school. Now, just 44% of                     up.

        A long-term problem                                                                                                   children in Wales travel to
        with using fossil fuels                                                                                               school actively by walking,

        is the amount of                                                                                                      cycling, or scooting. This could
        greenhouse gases,                                                                                                     be because parents feel it is
        mainly in the form of                                  The number of cars on the roads                                safer to drive to school than

        Carbon Dioxide, that are emitted into                  continue to increase, with 39 million                          allow children to walk, they
        our atmosphere through burning them                    vehicles on UK roads in 2021 compared                          might not feel they have time

        in our engines. These greenhouse gases                 to 25 million in 1994. In 2018, there                          to walk to school or it could
        act as a blanket to trap in the sun’s heat             were over 1.5 million of these vehicles                        be that children need to travel
        which then causes change to the world’s                licensed in Wales.                                             further to their nearest school

        climate.                                                                                                              than a generation ago.
                                                               According to the Department for
        Transport within the UK is responsible                 Transport, kilometres travelled by                             Another reason could be
        for 27% of the greenhouse gases                        cars, vans and taxis steadily increased                        the increase in demand for

        produced in the country, and around                    from 139 billion passenger kilometres                          goods that we buy, whether
        half of those are generated by the                     in 1960, to 738 billion passenger

        manufacture of cars and the fuel they                  kilometres in 2019. That’s over five
        use. In fact, 2016 saw domestic transport              times more!
        overtake energy as the most greenhouse

        gas emitting sector in the UK.

                                                                                                                                                                                      Gellifaelog Primary School’s Walking Bus
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