Page 2 - ES Summer 2 Newsletter 2022
P. 2

A letter from our guest editor                                                                                                            Contents

         Encouraging active travel to school,                 school orchard. It’s an eye-opening

        that is to use our own energy to get                  activity to investigate the logistics of
        us from home to the school gates, has                 how items reach us and how far they                                  > A letter from our guest editor

        great benefits for our physical health,               have travelled. Think about the story a
        our mental health, and the health of                  bunch of South African grapes would                                  > Transport
        the planet. During my time working                    tell us if they could speak!

        with a wide range of Eco-Schools in                   I hope you enjoy exploring the topic of                              > Taking Action
        Wales, I have found that the Transport                Transport in this newsletter and find

        topic is often one of the trickiest                   inspiration by the resources, ideas, and                             > Air Quality
        areas to tackle as a school. However,                 case studies.
        if achieved it can make a huge impact.                                                                                     > Roadside Litter

        We understand how difficult it can
        be to change habits, so do be sure to                                                                                      > Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel

        celebrate any achievements in this
        area, big or small.                                                                                                        > Top tips for the school commute

        According to the brilliant book, ‘How

        Bad are Bananas?’ by Mike Berners-                                                                                         > Resources
        Lee, travelling one mile in the average

        car generates 530g of greenhouse                                                                                           > What’s Coming Up?
        gases. I challenge your school to think
        about the greenhouse gas savings that                                                                                      > Reading Recommendations

        your pupils are making if they already
        walk or cycle to school, and maybe ask                                                                                     > Be Inspired

        everyone to think about how else they
        could travel using their own energy to                                                                                     > Support
        save even more.

        What about the other influences we                                                                                         > Plantlife
        have on transport? Think about all

        the food and goods we use in school
        or the things we buy. Every piece of                     - Tim Wort, Education Manager, and
        fruit we eat has travelled a distance to                   support for Wrexham Eco-Schools

        get to school, whether it’s a banana
        from Costa Rica or an apple from the
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