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careful reading of the course materials. Most of the quizzes will be multiple choice or essay, or a combination of both. They will consist questions on the basic ideas from the assigned text and discussions in class.
Final Essay Exam: During the final week, students will be asked to answer reflection questions about what they have learned during the quarter that will includes references to: the readings and class assets, discussions and project participation.
Late Policy: Unless otherwise stated, I do not accept late submissions. Any assignment will be considered late and subject to a penalty of one letter grade for everyday that it is late. Each student will be allowed to resubmit any quiz or presentation once for a better grade after receiving my feedback and with my approval.
Plagiarism: Academic plagiarism is using another person's words and ideas as though they were your own in the context of university writing and publishing. It is easy to avoid plagiarism: simply put the material you have taken from someone else's writing in quotation marks and cite the person's name and publication in your paper. If you are unsure that what you have done counts as plagiarism, come see me before you turn it in. Assignments that contain plagiarized material will receive an F; two such plagiarized papers will result in the student receiving an F for the course. In addition, students who have plagiarized material will be referred to the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities. (Note: plagiarism is not restricted to the use of published work; the passing of another student's work as your own is also a case of plagiarism.)
Technology Policy: Research consistently shows that students learn more in classrooms (measured in terms of comprehension and recall) when they take notes using paper and pen rather than laptops. In light of these findings and my own professional experience, students should keep their laptops and mobile phones stowed during class unless I have given you explicit permission to use them. I will make accommodations to this policy for those students who have arranged
for one through the DRC.