Page 21 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 21
C O F F E E / S W E E T T E A
8 an d 2 o z C o ff e e s
C apitalize on this strong product category. Your customers will love our Wild Huckleberry fla-
vored coffee.
COFF2-00 COFF2-01 COFF2-08
8 oz Whole Bean Coffees 2 oz Ground Coffees
$6.25 - 12 per case - Case Price: $75.00
COFF8W-01 Wild Huckleberry $2.45 - 12 per case - Case Price: $29.40
8 oz Ground Coffees
COFF2-01 2 oz Wild Huckleberry
$6.25 - 12 per case - Case Price: $75.00 COFF2-08 2 oz Wild Blueberry
COFF2-00 2 oz Breakfast Blend
COFF8G-00 Breakfast Blend
COFF8G-01 Wild Huckleberry
COFF8G-08 Wild Blueberry
S w e e t Tea
O ur Instant Sweet Teas are very easy to make. Just
Add water and you have the perfect refreshment for
those hot summer days.
Sw e et Tea M en u
$3.25 - 12 per case - Case Price: $39.00
INT-01 Wild Huckleberry INT-09 Strawberry
INT-03 Cherry Tea INT-41 Keylime
INT-04 Blackberry INT-77 Prickly Pear
INT-01 INT-06 Raspberry
Toll Free: 1-800-735-6462 20 Fax: (406) 721 1622