Page 22 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 22

G O U R M E T   T A F F Y

                                                       W i l d   H u c k l e b e r r y     Ta f f y   ( N t   W t : 8 o z )

                                                       T   affy is one of America’s old time favorite nostal-

                                                        gic candy. Our “Old School” recipe and antique 1908
                                                        equipment  keep  the  tradition  alive.  Step  back  in

                                                        time and taste the difference of taffy made the old
                                                        fashioned way. Available in a variety of flavors in an

                                                        8 oz gift bag.

                                                                          12 items per case

                                                        TAF-01    Wild Huckleberry          $2.95 / $35.40


                                 W i l d   B e r r y,   S ’ m o r e s ,   C a r a m e l   S e a   S a l t

                                                  Ta f f y   ( N t   W t : 8 o z )

                                                     8   o z  Ta ff y  M en u
                             $2.95 - 12 per case - Case Price: $35.40. Bulk (per lb):$4.50

                             TAF-02    Chokecherry            TAF-15      Buffaloberry
                             TAF-03    Cherry                        TAF-47      Chocolate  Huckleberry
                             TAF-04    Blackberry               TAF-48      Chocolate  Cherry
                             TAF-06    Red  Raspberry          TAF-49      Watermelon
                             TAF-08    Wild  Blueberry      TAF-70   Cranberry
                             TAF-09      Strawberry         TAF-93   S’mores
                             TAF-12    Cherry  Razzle       TAF-100  Assorted  Wild  Berry
                             TAF-13      Marionberry        TAF-CAR     Caramel  Sea  Salt
           TAF-04                                                                                         TAF-CAR

             TAF-03                 TAF-70                    TAF-93                TAF-06                 TAF-49
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