Page 43 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 43

I N D I V I D U A L L Y   W R A P P E D   C O R D I A L S

    W    ild Huckleberry Cordials were our first prod-
    uct and are still one of the best. They are filled
    with delicious wild huckleberry fondant and sur-
    rounded  by  milk,  dark  or  white  chocolate.  We
    now have many other flavors available. A cordial
    is  the  perfect  fun-sized  way  to  satisfy  a  little
    chocolate craving.                                                                                       WC-54
                                                             W il d   H u ck l e b e r r y   Co rd ia l s

                                                           $0.40 - 125 per Bin - Bin Price: $50.00.
                                                           HC-01     Huckleberry - Milk Chocolate
                                                           DHC-01     Huckleberry - Dark Chocolate             DC-90
                                                           WHC-01   Huckleberry - White Chocolate
                                                           PC-01       Plastic Container Free w/125
                                                                           Cordials on initial order of the Season

            DHC-01                    WHC-01                                                                 DC-80

           Sw e et   C h e r r y   Co rd ia l s

     $0.40 - 125 per Bin - Bin Price: $50.00.
      FC-01     Cherry - Milk Chocolate
      DFC-01   Cherry - Dark Chocolate                                                                       WT-95
      WFC-01    Cherry - White Chocolate
      PC-01       Plastic Container Free w/125
                      Cordials on initial order of the Season  DFC-01                     FC-01
                                                      O th e r s   F l a v or s
                                            $0.40 - 125 per Bin - Bin Price: $50.00.

                          MC-08      Blueberry - Milk Chocolate              DC-90     Bourbon - Dark Chocolate
                          WT-97    Huckleberry Merlot - Dark Chocolate  DC-80     Rum - Dark Chocolate
                          WT-96      Chardonnay - White Chocolate    WC-54      Margarita - White Chocolate
                          WT-95    Carbernet - Dark Chocolate        DC-73      Jalapeno - Dark Chocolate     WT-97
                          MC-77      Prickly Pear - Milk Chocolate           PC-01       Plastic Container Free
          MC-08           WC-41      Keylime - White Chocolate                 w/125 Cordials on initial
                                                                                     order of the Season


         DC-73                 DC-90               WT-97               DC-80                WT-95

          Toll Free: 1-800-735-6462                              42                             Fax: (406) 721 1622
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