Page 47 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 47

G O U R M E T   M E M O R I E S   /   S M O O C H E S

    O   ur Patties Boxes contain Milk Chocolate Caramel Peanut Clusters. Available in 2 sizes, they are as
     eye catching and humorous as our extremely successful Gourmet Memories line. Your customers will
     have a good laugh sending their friends and family such a fun souvenir from the visit to your store.

      L a r g e  P a tti e s   Bo x   ( 6   pc s )  Sm a ll   P a tt i es   B ox   ( 2   p cs )
                           $5.95- 12 per case -  $3.25- 12 per case -
                                                       Case Price: $71.40   Case Price: $39.00

      CPB-15    Cow Patties TM        CPB-06    Cow Patties TM
      BPB-15    Bear Patties TM          BPB-06     Bear Patties TM
      MPB-15    Moose Patties TM        MPB-06    Moose Patties TM
      HPB-15    Horse Patties TM         HPB-06     Horse Patties TM
      EPB-15     Elk Patties TM              EPB-06   Elk Patties TM
      BCB-15    Buffalo Patties TM        BCB-06     Buffalo Patties TM
      JPB-15     Javelina Patties TM        JPB-06      Javelina Patties TM
      PBP-15    Pig Patties TM              PBP-06     Pig Patties TM                      CPB-15

                   MPB-15                                 BPB-15                                  HPB-15
                                                G O UR ME T  S MO OC HE S

       SM-BEAR                  SM-MOOSE                SM-COW              SM-GATOR              SM-BIGFOOT
      In addition to our colorful and great selling poop , we are offering this Gourmet Smooches line. Sure to
      refresh and add to your already brisk poop sales. The candies inside are  delicious milk chocolate caramel
      balls.Here is a short list of the SMOOCHES available. Many other designs available.

                                         $2.95-12 per case-Case Price: $35.40
      SM-BEAR        Bear            SM-CRAB        Crab           SM-Giraffe Giraffe          SM-MO        Moose
      SM-BIGFOOT Bigfoot             SM-DEER           Deer        SM-JAV       Javelina           SM-SEAGUL Seagull
      SM-BUFF           Buffalo      SM-DINO           Dinosaur         SM-HORSE Horse         SM-SL         Sea Lion
      SM-BURRO     Burro             SM-EAGLE         Eagle            SM-LOB   Lobster        SM-SHARK Shark
      SM-COW         Cow             SM-ELK         Elk            SM-MAN       Manatee        SM-GATOR Gator
      SM-COWBOY       Cowboy         SM-FLAMINGOFlamingo
                                     SM-FROG           Frog        SM-MERMAID MERMAID          SM-SQR       Squirrel
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