Page 49 - The Huckleberry People Catalog 2019
P. 49

G O U R M E T   M E M O R I E S   -   B A G S

                               Desert Friends All Designs are Trademarked

        GM-GEC             GM-RTS              GM-CT              GM-GMD              GM-HAV               GM-ART
                                               Farm and Range Life

         GM-PIG              GM-CP              GM-RA              GM-CHI             GM-BULL              GM-CWB
                                      Zoo Life All Designs Trademarked

          GM-CC             GM-PKP               GM-GI              GM-BAT              GM-FD               GM-GD
                                            We can create any        Seasonal        - Antelope - Goose    - Pheasant
                                                                                                           - Pigeon
                                                                                     - Beaver - Horney Toad
                                            Varmint that walks, - Snowman            - Bigfoot - Longhorn  - Pony
                                            runs, jumps, swims,      - Reindeer      - Burro  - Manatee    - Ram
                                                                                                           - Road Runner
                                            flies or that you        - Easter Bunny  - Bunny  - Mountain Lion  - Scorpion
                                                                                     - Butterfly - Mouse
                                            can dream of.            Political -     - Cat    - Mule       - Sheep
                                            Just let your imag-      Democrat Dung   - Cougar - Orangutan  - Skunk
                                                                                                           - Steer Nuts
                                                                                     - Dinosaur - Owl
                                            ination run wild to      - Republican    - Duck   - Panda      - Tarantula
          GM-RHINO           GM-GOR         add items to our                         - Dragon - Panther    - Trout
                                                                                                           - Turkey
                                                                                              - Parrot
                                                                                     - Goat
                                            existing list.
                                                                                                           - Wild Horse
       Gourmet Memories  4 oz Bag                                 $2.40 - 24 per case - Case Price: $57.60
    The eye catching packaging and the humor sell the item the first time. The quality
    candy inside keeps your customers coming back for more. Our Gourmet Memories line is
    an assortment of delicious milk chocolate panned peanuts, chocolate covered pralined
    peanuts, honey roasted peanuts, jelly beans, Sour Fruity Chews.
          Toll Free: 1-800-735-6462                           48                               Fax: (406) 721 1622
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