Page 18 - CC Dec 2020 Med RGB
P. 18

Barn Theatre looks
        Broccoli and Stilton

        Farmhouse Soup                                          forward to 2021

                                                              AFTER closing down during the   This will hopefully be followed on
           8  Carol King
        ? 5                                                   first lockdown, reopening and   Saturday, 30 January with the Oxted
                                                              then closing again for the second   Comedy Night (18+) with Arthur Smith
        THIS broccoli soup with a hint of stilton makes a warming snack on a   time, Oxted’s much loved Barn   and the comedians from House of
        cold winter’s day, plus it is a tasty use of that head of broccoli that has   Theatre is hoping for a much   Stand Up.
        been sitting in the fridge all week. Serves 4.        happier year in 2021.        The night begins at 7.45pm and
                                                                With this in mind it is hoping to   tickets costing £25 can be purchased
        Ingredients         Method                            start the New Year with Kick in the   from
        Knob of butter      1. Heat the butter in a saucepan over a   Head – Mother Goose, a fabulous   The Southern Counties Drama
        1 leek roughly chopped  medium heat and add the leek, onion and   touring potted pantomime full of fun   Festival – the first round of the All-
        1 medium potato roughly   potato.  Put a lid on the saucepan and let   for all the family.  England Theatre Festival – could also
                                                                The show on Saturday, 16 January
        chopped             the vegetables ‘sweat’ for 5 mins.  and Sunday, 17 January at 11am, 3pm   go ahead from Monday, 22 to Saturday,
                                                                                         27 February at 7pm with a 2.30pm
        1 medium onion roughly   2. Add the stock, bring to the boil and   and 7.30pm on both days will feature   matinee on the Saturday.
        chopped             simmer for 10 mins.               all your favourite characters including   Tickets cost £10 and are available
        1 head of broccoli, stalk   3. Add the broccoli and cook for a further   Idle Jack, the Fairy Godmother, who   from or
        removed and florets   10 mins.                        will be keeping her eye on all the   call 01959 561811.
        roughly chopped     4. Remove from heat and leave to cool  mischief to make sure no-one is   The Barn has been professionally
        1 litre of chicken stock   5. Use a blender to roughly blend the soup   being too naughty, and the wonderful   certified as Covid-secure so masks must
                                                              Goose trying to lay her first lockdown
        made with two stock pots  6. When ready to eat, add the crumbled   egg.          be worn, social distancing practised and
                                                                                         entrances and exits will be controlled.
        100g of stilton, crumbled  cheese and heat until it has all melted.  Tickets cost from £8 to £12   For information about all the shows
                            Serve with crusty bread (and butter). Enjoy!  and are available from www.  go to or
                                                        call 01959 561811.

             B R STACEY FENCING

         ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS          CONTRACTO RS                                    ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS

                                            • Local Authority Approved              Estimates
                                            • Fully Insured & Guaranteed              Advice
                                            •  All Types of Fencing and Gates
                                              Supplied and Installed
                                            • All Areas Covered

                                            Telephone: 01959 575749


       18                                                                             THE COUNTY CHRONICLE • DECEMBER 2020
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