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Walking in a Westerham    Wonderland

       In Bygone Days...           The remarkable Mr Hooker

       ? Bill Curtis                Charles Hooker was a man   until Westerham had a printing
                                  of many parts who had several   works which could handle its
       ON December 29 1961 the Chronicle   irons in the fire. One of these   every need… [1]
       and Courier newspaper devoted a   was an active interest in the
       whole page spread to the Hooker   building business, and it was   But with an entrepreneurial spirit
       Printing business, as recorded here...  this that led him, with direct   which gripped many men of ambition
                                  labour, to build the shop on the   at the time, Charles Hooker diversified
       Family business            corner of Stratton Terrace.  in his business. Not only was he now
                                    At first he only dabbled in
                                                              owner of the ‘Herald Steam Printing
       handed down - sons         printing, with a small platen   Works,’ he was the local Agent for
                                  press operated in one of the
                                                              the ‘Accidental Insurance Company,’
       took over from father      back rooms of the stationery   ‘The Royal Exchange Assurance
       HANDED from father to son since   shop, but bit by bit, this small   Corporation’ [2] and a retail agent for
                                  beginning was implemented
       1857, the business of Hooker   by a fount of type here, or an   ‘Patent Stitchwell’ lock-stitch Sewing
       Brothers Ltd at High Street,   extra bit of machinery there,   Machines! [3] He offered a picture
       Westerham has provided a valuable                      framing service ‘at London prices’ and
       service to the local community for                     every kind of bookbinding and ledger               2
       more than 100 years.                                   ruling, and arranged and managed
        Hookers are printers. Their                           concerts and entertainments which
       premises actually ‘contains’                           were held in the adjacent Town Hall.
       the Westerham office of the                              Eventually his sons Charles William
       ‘Sevenoaks Chronicle,’ and                             and Alfred joined the firm and,
       their shop, beside the Drill Hall,                     following his death on May 15 1900,
       deals mainly with stationery,                          they continued the main business, but
       while the rest of the building is                      wisely shed many of the diversities
       packed with machinery and the                          offered by their father. The brothers
       requisites of the trade.                               did, however, continue with the
        The original business was                             Westerham Herald, the broadsheet
       started by Charles Hooker,                             of local news which their father had
       who commenced a stationery                             published every month since June
       business in part of what is now                        1882, proclaiming proudly “It circulates
       known as the Manor House,                              largely amongst the Aristocracy, Trade
       only a few yards up the High                           Agriculturists &c., which makes it a
       Street towards Market Square.  1                       most valuable Advertising Medium”.                 3

       14                                                                             THE COUNTY CHRONICLE • DECEMBER 2020
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