Page 10 - CC Dec 2020 Med RGB
P. 10

Deck the door with

                                                                      bows and holly

                                                                 IF your garden is anything like
                                                                 mine you will still be raking up
                                                                 leaves past the end of December.
                                                                   Keep on top of the clearing
       Brightening the high street with plenty of inspiration for Christmas  up and it will not seem so
       Don’t let this year’s                                     arduous. It is particularly difficult
                                                                 when the weather is wet. I have
                                                                 found a rubber rake works really
       festivities be furloughed                                 well with wet leaves as it skims the
                                                                 ground and doesn’t get stuck. It is
                                                                 important to get rid of any decaying material to deter slugs and snails.
                                                                   There is still time to plant or move deciduous trees and shrubs and
         8  Eleanor Eldergill
       ? 5                        way you can and after such a difficult   to take hard wood cuttings.  Dig over soil and it will expose pests for the
                                  year we could all do with some light
                                                                 birds to eat but do continue to feed them.
       HAVING spent the last few weeks   relief.                   Seed and plant catalogues will be out about now: take time to plan for
       finishing our shop’s Christmas   At Job’s putting together our window   next year and order seeds and plants ready for spring.
       window display I know all too well   display has been all about doing just   Christmas will probably have a different feel to it this year but
       that keeping up traditions and   that.                    whatever restrictions we face we can make the most of our gardens and
       spreading a little happiness this year   During lockdown it’s been heart-  woodlands. Now is the time to gather foliage to decorate our homes.
       might be more important than any   warming to see people stop by and   The evergreens will be splendid this month. Look for Yew, Bay, Holly
       other.                     look in with a friendly wave and watch   with Berries, Spotted Laurel and other attractive evergreens. Tie them
        With local High Streets across the   the faces of little ones light up as they   together with a big red bow and hang upside down on your front door.
       county turning their Christmas lights on   go past.       Holly has an abundance of berries on it this year, just get to it before the
       early and talk of people putting up the   There’s no doubt that recent times   birds eat them all.
       tree before December even begins, it   have been hard on the High Street but   Make sure hanging baskets and pots have colourful flowers and
       just goes to prove that this Christmas is   the support from the local community   plants in them to brighten up our dark days. A sprig of holly on the
       most certainly not cancelled!   has been overwhelming.    Christmas pudding always goes down a treat; the Brandy may
        In fact, it could be just what those   We are so looking forward to re-  have something to do with it as well! The days will start to get
       hard-working NHS doctors ordered. So   opening our doors to you all and in the   longer again towards the end of this month which
       why not get into the spirit of things and   brief time we have before the festive   will give us all something to look forward to. Have a
       put those fairy lights out early, hang the   season is truly upon us, put a little   healthy, happy Christmas how ever you spend it.
       wreath upon the door and bring a little   Christmas cheer into the final part of   ? 5   Ann Bond
       festive spirit to the season in whatever   this tricky year.
                JOB’S OF OXTED                                             Family Business since 1914



                                                    range of


                                                    gifts and


                                                   for all the


        46-50 Station Road West, Oxted  ·  ·   ·  01883 712210

       10                                                                             THE COUNTY CHRONICLE • DECEMBER 2020
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