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Help spread some

       joy and make
       Oxted shine this
       festive season

       THE churches and community
       of Oxted are inviting residents
       and businesses to spread a little
       joy this Christmas and brighten
       every street by making stars to
       display in their windows during
       advent through its Oxted Shines
        The symbol of a star holds great   The gardens at Hever Castle are considered a “large outside space”, so can still be enjoyed safely.    8  David Fox
       meaning for many people of different                                                              5
       faiths, so it would be lovely to see   Christmas is still on at Hever Castle
       stars of all designs and colours in
       windows from Advent Sunday on
       29 November, bringing some much   FOLLOWING confirmation from the   Crocodile with his ticking clock and   Gardens like Hever Castle’s have
       needed light and hope at the end   local environmental health officer,   Captain Hook’s pirate ship at the dock.   offered a vital safe sanctuary to
       of what’s been a difficult year for so   Hever Castle’s Christmas event will   As the trail finishes, spot Nana the dog   the public for their mental and
       many.                      continue during lockdown.   in her kennel.             physical health during these times,
        Oxted’s churches and communities   As a large outside space, Hever   Soak up the festive atmosphere on   and Hever Castle is delighted that
       are also supporting those suffering   Castle’s Gardens can be enjoyed safely   the one way route while enjoying some   this has been recognised by UK
       financially and emotionally by   by visitors with the measures that have   fresh air and taking daily exercise.  Government.
       working with the Barn Theatre to   been in place since reopening in June,   During daylight hours the play   Visitors to the gardens will also be
       raise funds for Renewed Hope Trust   including social distancing, enhanced   areas will be open for younger visitors   able to purchase food and drinks to
       through its a Not So Silent Night   cleaning and limits on visitor numbers.  wanting to let off some steam.  take away although indoor Restaurants
       show on 12 December. Details of   This year’s Christmas event   The Carousel and Fairgrounds Stalls   will be closed.
       how to donate are available online.  transports visitors to Neverland with a   will not be available and the Peter Pan   While tickets to see Father
        Renewed                   Peter Pan-themed trail in the grounds   characters will not be present in the   Christmas during the day and twilight
       Hope Trust is              (from 21 November to 24 December).  grounds during the lockdown period.  have sold out, limited availability
       a local charity              Visitors will be able to take a magical   The Castle will close from   tickets are still available for the Castle
       based in Redhill           journey along the immersive Christmas   5 November until 2 December. The   and Gardens, while the Castle itself has
       providing                  trail, starting in London in the nursery.   shops will close for this period but the   good availability.
       practical                  Then, ‘fly high’ above the City streets   online shop will remain open and a   You can book your ticket online at
       solutions and              into space and follow the directions   click and collect service will operate
       emotional                  to Neverland  - second star to the right   from the Hever Shop.  castle-christmas/
       support to                 and straight on till morning.  After dark, enjoy a walk under the   While the Grotto will be closed
       the homeless,                Discover where Peter’s friends   stars. Witness the enchantment of the   during lockdown, “key worker”
       vulnerable and             The Lost Boys live, visit the Mermaid   Castle, gardens and lake festooned   Father Christmas has come up with a
       isolated of East           Lagoon, the Native American camp   with fabulous colours and twinkling   click and collect solution for existing
       Surrey.                    and be wary when you tiptoe past the   lights, capturing the spirit of Christmas.  ticket holders.

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       6                                                                              THE COUNTY CHRONICLE • DECEMBER 2020
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