Page 44 - ISSUE 2
P. 44

GRAPPLER  Fall 2018

               10TH Planet Koh Tao

                 Throwing our bags in with the rest of the tourists   in the dorms during our stay, and we were more than
               shuttled between islands on the ferry systems of   happy to accept.  This opened up our budget a bit for
               Thailand,  we  set  off  on  the  final  leg  of  our  trek  from   food, recreation and recovery.
               Bangkok to Koh Tao. Twenty minutes into trip the boat
               stopped moving. Ten minutes later a diver splashed off   Our plan was to rest that evening, but as soon as we
               the back of the boat to clear a fishing net that had fouled   settled into our new living quarters Marshall threw on
               the propeller.                                   his spats. Instinctively, we all followed suit and joined
                                                                him to check out Koh Tao’s very own 10TH Planet
                 This gave Rome and Marshall time to get to know   training lab. The space was new, built in six weeks start
               Tom, who noticed the BJJ patches on Rome’s bag and   to finish, and consists of just one thing: mat space.
               sparked up a conversation. He was taking a dive course                                                                 color difference, the lower belt will receive one wild card.   The 10TH Planet system is a language unto itself.
               on the island, so Rome told him about the 10TH Planet   Luke, wearing a Game of Rolls rash guard and                   So a white belt would be given two wild cards if matched   Riddled with simple names like “zombie” and “honey-
               gym and invited him to join us for a roll. This exchange   fighting shorts, greeted us with a smile and open arms.     with a purple belt. And that’s it. The players roll with   hole,” the system was designed for BJJ in MMA. It is
               reinvigorated my appreciation for grappling’s ability to   We warmed up on our own for about 15 minutes before         the higher belt handicapped by the implications of the   learned by an array of artists and aliens that all seem
               create an instant connection with strangers.     Victor,  an  unassuming  Swedish  entrepreneur  with  a               wild card, and if there is no submission the lower belt is   drawn to both the creative and effective side of Jiu-Jitsu,
                                                                golden pony tail, offered to teach us how to play Game                declared victorious. If the belts are equal, house rules.  keeping their bodies flexible and movements precise.
                 Once the engines were working and the boat was   of Rolls. Victor created the game as a way to inspire the
               moving we arrived at the Koh Tao Pier, grabbed our   creative  side of  Jiu-Jitsu  and  facilitate  a  medium  for       Tucking the game away, we entered into a drilling   Each day in Koh Tao started with an alarm clock of
               bags and set off down a path that must have shared the   “giggles” as he would affectionately describe it.             session  that  was  as  much  dance  as  Jiu-Jitsu.  It  began   roosters  and  rap  music,  as  the  pop  of  shin-thumping
               same decorator as the Conch Republic. Small dive shops                                                                 with a standing entrance followed by a back step and   pads echoed through the dorms. Training sessions began
               and boutiques line the brick street, which led us to the   The game is simple. There is a deck containing two          flow of the hips that led your partner to the floor, leaving   with gluten-free pre-workout shakes, and ended with
               main road that encircles the island. We took a left and   types of cards, position and wild. Each position card has    you perched with knee-on-belly. The tango continued to   high fives and fist bumps. Marshall, a 10TH Planet purple
               continued up a hill, that took us past a temple with tall   the name of a position accompanied by an intuitively       a front roll over your shoulder and under your opponents   belt, acted as our interpreter each night as we engaged in
               wooden  doors  flanked  by  wax  statues  of  meditating   designed anatomical demonstration of said position.         un-trapped leg, which ended in the “truck” position,   the ritualistic post-training discussion of techniques.
               monks draped in orange robes. As we cleared the peak of   The wild  cards  hold  a  variety  of  “advantages” and      one of the many 10TH Planet vocabulary terms that
               the hill, like a message from the great beyond, we saw a   mirror that of a chance card from Monopoly. A wild card     anchor the algorithm of tape and index cards on the wall   Koh Tao has more Burmese workers than Thais and
               sign reading “MONSOON GYM AND FIGHT CLUB, 10TH   may require a participant to play with a “broken arm,”                at this brain trust.                             Westerners combined, yet there is a sense of community
               PLANET”                                          restricting them from engaging with it throughout the                                                                  everywhere you go on this island. People are welcoming
                                                                roll, or could lead to the player being blindfolded with                Eric and I found our corner and started drilling.   and generally honest. A variety of shops, gyms and
                 Dropping our bags at the base of the stairs leading   a sleep mask (or just closing their eyes on the honor          We weren’t planning on filming that day, and Eric was   restaurants keep the island full of energy to compliment
               up to the Muay Thai platform, Rome communicated   system).                                                             tired of being asked, ‘So when do you get to train?’ so   some of the best diving in the world.
               with the dorm attendants the only way he knew how,                                                                     he just jumped in. As a surfer and athlete, he has a keen
               through charades. It took a hot minute, but he finally   Each player is dealt two position cards. These are            awareness of his hips and body weight, which allowed
               got the message across. The owner of Monsoon, Darius,   the only positions from which the player may attempt           him  to  pick  up  the  technique  quickly.  Luke  stared  in
               who  was  gone  on  holiday,  had  offered  to  let  us  crash   a submission from throughout the roll. For every belt   disbelief when Eric told him it was just his first class.

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