Page 8 - Pulse @ UM 2018
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The ability of mobile health applications
to address the diverse needs of healthcare
users presents great promise for the growth of Dato' Adeeba appointed as
mHealth. However, successful implementation member of WHO Expert
of ICT, particularly mobile usage, into the Advisory Panel
Dato' Professor Dr Adeeba
healthcare system depends on a number of
factors ranging from user and physicians’ Kamarulzaman, Department of Medicine
acceptance to capacity development and was appointed as a member of the World
network coverage. Most importantly, the Health Organisation (WHO) Expert
success of mHealth is dependent on a Advisory Panel on Health Science and
strategically planned, systematically conducted Technology Policy. Her appointment is
implementation that is fully coordinated, for a duration of four years from
managing work culture changes associated 2017-2021.
with technology implementation and supporting
CEO Faculty Program
While mHealth is still in its infancy in Associate Professor Dr Ivy Chung
developing countries, it has tremendous from the Department of Pharmacology
potential to grow if public and private and Dr Tee Kok Keng from the
organisations have the vision to implement the Department of Microbiology have been
right policies. Developed within a sustainable selected by the Ministry of Higher
framework, mHealth can transform health Education for the CEO Faculty
systems, extending the reach of health Programme Version 2.0 "Coached by the
informationand services to remote areas and
information Pros".
promoting a shift toward citizen-empowered This programme aims to increase
healthcare system. the involvement of industry and public
sectors in our country's higher education
For technology to provide solutions, it system through the sharing of
cannot be the privilege of a few, but should experiences and expertise.
belong in the hands of many. mHealth can help Associate Professor Dr Ivy Chung
countries to transcend the knowledge, will be placed at Novartis Corporation
economic, and technological gaps by and Dr Tee Kok Keng will be attached to
eliminating physical and geographical Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad for a
boundaries in the delivery of healthcare, and period of 6 months.
reducing the costs of delivering services.
Ultimately, the objective of mHealth is to give
every citizen of a country access to quality care, Recipientecipient of UK National
timely and accurate information, and Institute of Health Research
appropriate services that can change their
lives. (NIHR) Grant
Professor Khoo Ee Ming
References: (Department of Primary Care Medicine)
1. WHO. Global diffusion of eHealth: making universal health coverage and team were part of a group of experts
achievable. Report of the third global survey on eHealth. 2016 to receive £7 million to establish a new
Global Health Research Unit on
2.. mHealth: New horizons for health through mobile technologies.
second global survey on eHealth (Global Observatory for eHealth Respiratory Health at the University of
series- Volume 3). World Health Organization 2011 Edinburgh, to be known as RESPIRE.
This research initiative focuses on
reducing the impact of lung diseases
4 worldwide.
4.. Vital Wave Consulting. mHealth for development: The opportunity of
mobile technology for healthcare in the developing world. Washington,
D.C. and Berkshire, UK: UN foundation-Vodafone foundation
partnership, 2009.
Pulse @ UM : A research bulletin from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya