Page 13 - Pulse @ UM 2018
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        Tan Maw Pin (Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya)
                                            ageing as a challenge, we
                                            embrace it as an opportunity.
           Like  many developing  Collaboration,  raw enthusiasm,
        countries worldwide and many  and sheer hard work saw the
        Far-Eastern  Asian  nations  establishment of the Malaysian
        which have progressed rapidly,  Falls         Assessment          and
        Malaysia  is  experiencing  Intervention Trial (MyFAIT), the
        accelerated  ageing.  This  Malaysian
                                            Malaysian Elders Longitudinal
        means that while the world  Research (MELoR) and Frailty
        populationaged 60 years and  in Geriatric Inpatients (FIG), as
        over is set to increase from 600  our first three large studies.
        million to 1.4 billion from 2000  Since then, we have developed
        to 2030, a 133% increase, the  a portfolio of research into the
        Malaysian population aged 60  fields of oral health, HIV, viral
        years and over will increase  infections, nutrition and artificial
                                            infections, nutrition and artificial
        from 1.4 million to nearly 5  feeding, dementia, frailty, falls,  a Long Term Research Grant for
        million from 2000 to 2030, a  psychology of ageing, syncope,  the TUA study of neuroprotective
        250%  increase. Ageing  is  stroke  in  ageing,  social  factors for healthy longevity
        associated with an increasing  participation, arthritis, urinary  which involves gerontological
        number of medical conditions  incontinence,  and  sexual  researchers from UKM, UPM,
        and increased disability, which  dysfunction.                           and      UiTM.       We      have
        will  therefore,  drastically                                           also
                                                                                also  established  numerous
        increase  the  demands  on     Our motto, “We work with  international partnerships which
        healthcareservices. The World  everybody”,  uses  a  multi-  include: University of Sydney
        Health  Organization  has  disciplinary  approach  and  (Australia), University of Curtin
        consistently been sending out a  inclusiveness. As a result, we  (Australia),  National  Ageing
        clear message that developing  now work with nearly all  Research Institute (Australia),
        nations are not doing enough to  departments in the Faculty of  National Neurological Institute
        address population ageing.          Medicine with additional joint  (Singapore),
                                                                                (Singapore), Newcastle University
                                            projects  with  Biomedical  (United Kingdom), University of
           The         Ageing         and  Imaging,       Department        of  Aberdeen  (United  Kingdom),
        Age-Associated         Disorders  Medicine, Centre of Excellence  Thammasat University (Thailand),
        Research        Group        was  for Research in Aids (CeRiA),  and DUKE-NUS (Singapore).
        established in 2012 by a group  National Orthopaedics Centre  We have also been successful in
        of UM academics interested in  of Excellent for Research and  obtaining international grants
        the field of health research in  Learning               (NOCERAL),  whichincludes a Newton-Ungku
        ageing from the healthcare  Pharmac, and Surgery.                       Omar Institutional Links fund
        disciplines  of  cardiology,
        disciplines                                                             (jointly  with  University  of
        emergency medicine, geriatrics     In  addition,  we  also  Liverpool) and UK National
        , nursing studies, molecular  take  pride  in  establishing   Institute of Health Research
        medicine,        ophthalmology,  collaborations with all other  Global Health Research Group
        palliative  medicine,  primary  Faculties in UM, including  on Dementia.
        care medicine, rehabilitation  the  Sports  Centre.  Our
        medicine, and rheumatology.  collaborations  with  national
        While many view population  institutions are sealed through

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