Page 16 - Pulse @ UM 2018
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Adolescents), Attitude and Belief about Cancer in Malaysia (ABC –Malaysia) and the “MyBCC”
        (Malaysian Breast Cancer Survivorship Cohort) study.

           CePH has also greatly benefitted from the sharing knowledge via workshops, post-doctoral
        appointments, and split-side PhD’s with their collaborators: Queens’ University Belfast, University of
        Cambridge, VirginaTech, Global Literacy Academcy, Austrian Public Health Institutes, Ministry of
        Health Malaysia, and many more.
                                                                                 n  terms  of  research
                                                                              possibilities,  CePH  has  a
                                                                              ready-pool of Doctors of Public
                                                                              Health as well as PhD and
                                                                              Master students to conduct
                                                                              research in various disciplines
                                                                              including social determinants in
                                                                              health,public health dietetics,
                                                                              health policy analysis, family
                                                                              health, health economics, and
                                                                              exercise related activities.

                                                                                 Apart from research, CePH
                                                                              also conducts short courses,
                                                                              workshops, lunch talks, and
                                                                              research  symposiums  every
                                                                              year.  In  fact,  the  centre
                                                                              organised the 5th AHLA (Asia
                PACED initiative in Malaysia Cancer awareness raising         Health Literacy) International
                      campaign: lung, breast, colorectal cancer
                                                                              Health Literacy Conference in
                                                                              collaboration with AHLA. CePH
          HONOURS LIST                                                        played an important role in the
                                                                              establishment of AHLA. The
                                                                              conference  saw  a  large
                                                                              delegation of enthusiastic and
                                                                              research-driven       participants
                                                                              from  around the world coming
                                                                              together  to  discuss  issues
                                                                              related to health literacy in the


                                                                                Fellowship           Award

          Congratulations to Associate                                          from  Academy  of
          Professor Dr Hari Chandran           Congratulations to               Medicine, Singapore
          Thambinayagan, from the           Professor Dr Yang Faridah                                      Dr
          Department of Surgery who         Abdul Aziz  on  being               Rosmawati          Mohamed
          was conferred the  Darjah         conferred  the  Darjah              received  the  fellowship
          Kebesaran Mahkota Pahang          Indera  Mahkota Pahang              award from the Academy of
          Yang Amat Mulia Peringkat         which carries the title Dato’       Medicine,  Singapore  by
          Kedua   Darjah  Indera            by  DYMM  Sultan  of                virtue  of  her  excellent
          Mahkota Pahang (DIMP)             Pahang on 5th March                 services and achievements.
          which carries the title Dato'.    2017.


                       Pulse @ UM : A research bulletin from the Faculty of Medicine, University of Malaya
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